Mile Pertozza using Engl Invader

Haha. I haven't found any local prices yet, but that does sounds way excessive.
Whats the US price on a Recto then? Over here it's $4,500 for a dual!

Goddamn. :OMG: Is that in Australian dollars, or converted from Australian to US? Last I checked, here a new Single was $1200, a Dual $1400, and a Triple $1600, if I recall correctly. A used Dual will run you $800-$1k, depending on condition. The early Blackface/Chrome Panel Duals, Tremoverbs, and Racktifiers usually go for a bit more.

You guys get screwed on Mesa prices. :( My Stiletto was $800 and it owns anything Marshall makes. I payed $550 for my Mark IV, 'cause the store thought it was broken. It just needed a tube swap.
Well Mesa is expensive all places but the US. Here in Denmark the Dual cost 3500 US dollars, and the Road king is like 5600 US dollar ;-S That is fucking insane....

It sounds cool, but I'm not sure if it sounds $2800 cool.

$2700 could buy you a 5150, Recto, Mesa 4x12, and OD820, and still leave $300-400.

I've never heard an ENGL that I would take over a 5150.

In fact, I hate the things.

Too bad, I'm a HUGE Kreator fan. I hope the tone doesn't suffer.
"I've never heard an ENGL that I would take over a 5150.

In fact, I hate the things.

Too bad, I'm a HUGE Kreator fan. I hope the tone doesn't suffer."

+1 on everything he said.

as far as i know, mille used to use 5150 heads live, whereas sami is a big powerball user. and as far as i am concerned, mille's 5150 always sounded kickass, whereas the powerball doesn't quite cut it for that style of metal - IMHO

anyways, i listened to some of those invader clips....not impressed. sounds like another powerball version to my ears, and i do NOT like the powerball by any means.

i used to own an engl blackmore head....frankly, i kinda wish i still had it, just to try some outboard processing on it, but straight in it didn't sound quite as bad as a fire/powerball but still nowhere near the awesomeness of a 5150 or even a framus.