Miley Cyrus "1 2 3 4" fail.

You can't blame it on YouTube - she's out of time with the drummer's stick clicks. It's amazing they let this go without editing, it would have taken 2 seconds to fix it, lots of talented people worked on this record. That timing isn't even good enough to score points at Guitar Hero or Rock Band. Very strange.
You can't blame it on YouTube - she's out of time with the drummer's stick clicks. It's amazing they let this go without editing, it would have taken 2 seconds to fix it, lots of talented people worked on this record. That timing isn't even good enough to score points at Guitar Hero or Rock Band. Very strange.

True along with the fact that in video clips they are not actually playing the song, they are essentially miming to the studio track. So I'm thinking, this count off intro thing would have been pre-recorded - meaning someone is slacking off severely.:heh:

EDIT: Wow, I guess I just repeated what you said.
I have a hard time believing CLA did the mix, he wouldn't let something like that slide, he comes off as being too much of a perfectionist. I could actually see him having her do it again and not quantizing, do it ol' skool.
Maybe the '1,2,3,4' was tacked on in the video production, yknow like they use SFX for a band's clips at times?

I mean she's not only out of time with the stick clicks audibly, but visually do. How exactly do you edit that? haha.
are you guys seriously spending even one second of your time critiquing musc that's written for, and marketed to, young girls of age 14 and under? why?? is anyone trying to market this music to you? next thing you know there'll be a thread debating the artistic merits of Bananas In Pajamas...

context, yo :lol:
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The count off is only in the video - if you listen to the actual song there is no click count off or Miley count off. It's an issue with when they made the video - I'm sure it was just some poor last minute overdubbing. No count off on the album. Argument over.
are you guys seriously spending even one second of your time critiquing musc that's written for, and marketed to, young girls of age 14 and under? why?? is anyone trying to market this music to you? next thing you know there'll be a thread debating the artistic merits of Bananas In Pajamas...

context, yo :lol:

I agree with you to an extent. However, the legacy that apparently DIED with people like Walt Disney and Jim Henson is the notion that kids are actually smart, and don't need their content to be totally condescending or over-sanitized.

Miley Cyrus, The Jonas Brothers, etc. and their various "enablers" are entirely deserving of any constructive criticism they get IMO. After all, billions of dollars are being earned here - there's no excuse for this stuff to be anything less than top notch. Classic Disney, Warner Brothers, Muppets, Sesame Street, etc. are 10000000x better/smarter than this crap.

When is it more critical in someone's life to inspire them with greatness than in childhood?
sure shane, i don't disagree with anything you said, but this is an adult forum.... if we start down this path of discussing kiddie music, irrespective of whether it's "good", then it will inevitably lead to "Bananas In Pajamas" and the like.. that's what i'm saying. and regardless of whether or not that genre is a valid market, i just don't wanna head that far off the path of what should be a heavy music forum... it is Ultimate Metal after all, not Ultimate Teeny-Boppers.