Miley Cyrus "1 2 3 4" fail.

sure shane, i don't disagree with anything you said, but this is an adult forum.... if we start down this path of discussing kiddie music, irrespective of whether it's "good", then it will inevitably lead to "Bananas In Pajamas" and the like.. that's what i'm saying. and regardless of whether or not that genre is a valid market, i just don't wanna head that far off the path of what should be a heavy music forum... it is Ultimate Metal after all, not Ultimate Teeny-Boppers.

That gives me an idea! Who's up for a new forum!?


To be fair, this is the "Off-Topic" forum, but you really can't get further away from the topic of metal than that stuff. Either way it's a stretch. :\
yeah, I just wanted to know how much of that she actually does herself. Or did before she got famous. Does she write all her songs?

Also, when you're big enough, appearing in a movie doesn't mean you can act. I have not seen the movie, but I have my doubts. I'm seriously not trying to be too provocative, I just don't know. And smy1 was talking like he had more actual information than some of us so that's why I was curious. I always thought her dad did all the major work bringing her up there.
I'm sure she has a lot of help but most "big" acts do. Regardless it appears to me that she works like a mad woman. (teen)

Personally I think she sucks at it all but that's IMO and my opinion does not discredit all the work that goes into all this. From what I heard she is going to be the highest paid personality ever by the time she is 18.

I don't think that can be achieved sitting on your ass no matter how much help you have.

Lets wait for smy1 to chime in.
Nothing against the thread starter (carlcass), he pointed out something funny.
but I can tell ya writing all this stuff just for "Oh god that 1-2-3-4 is not tight, they left it this way, oh no god, oh please beat detective it, oh please" lol
Who gives a shit if it's not in time she's a young hottie girl and she knows it (she put some pics on the web for our pleasure lol)
Nothing serious so don't be offended right.
just some kidding ;)