Mincing Fury and Guttural Clamour of Queer Decay - 7

Dr. Joe

New Metal Member
Apr 19, 2007
Here's a review I made and submitted to Metal-archives awhile ago.

When I was very new to metal, I looked to the very obvious places to provide me with bands. One of the places I went to was Wikipedia. I looked under "grindcore", and there I found the band that I'm reviewing. I looked them up, went to Bizarre Leprous' site, and downloaded a few tracks off Lamentations. It was... not generic goregrind for sure. It was just ok. They became a band I just occasionally listened to.

About a year later, while browsing CDs on Relapse's distro, I came across Mincing Fury's newest CD (7). I bought it, thinking I wouldn't be too impressed, but it might be worth a shot. I was absolutely amazed. Within the next two weeks, I played this album nonstop. I love everything about it.

The vocals are one of the best parts of the album. There are many, many vocal styles. They use screams, "gutturals", regular growls, grunts, yells, and, in one song, black metal vocals. They recently lost their second vocalist, but he is one of the three guest vocalists in this album. The vocals all flow so well, much like Gorerotted's "Only Tools and Corpses" and Splatterhouse. The yells they use are probably the weakest part of this album. Usually, though, the ways they use them blend well with the music, particularly in the tracks "Suggestion in the Devil's Shaded Eyes" and "Glimmering Shine of Another Life". The one song that they aren't used so well in is "Pride", which is my least favorite song on the album. Too much yelling, not enough of the other vocals.

The instrumentals are also great. One of the best parts of this album is that it isn't the same old generic goregrind bullshit, like Plasma and GUT. The guitars are all over the place all the time, not just the same low chugging riffs the entire time (also much like Only Tools and Corpses). The drums are also very enjoyable. There's double bass pedals and blastbeats, of course, but the really interesting thing they throw in throughout the album is cowbell, and it actually works really well. Unfortunately, you can't hear much of the bass.

I absolutely love this album, it's everything a good goregrind release should have. I strongly recommend this to fans of Splatterhouse, Gorerotted, Fuck... I'm Dead, Pigsty, and fans of goregrind in general.