Mind Revolution?!?

Bleak Eyes

Jun 16, 2003
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Where in the hell can I find a copy of Mind Revolution? The only ones that I have found are the ones with the bonus tracks, and I do not want one with bonus tracks. Can anyone help me out here? I also do not buy used albums, or any albums off of ebay, used or not.
Are you doing it for collection purposes or...I don't get it. Otherwise I'd just say take one with bonus tracks, ebay is your next obvious option but you apparently have something against ebay so...yeah I didn't help you at all. I realize that. :D
I just like owning the original album. It always blows the albums when they have bonus tracks. I like the acual album start to finish, not start to bonus tracks. I also do not like stopping an album if it does not complete all the way. I am weird.