Mindcrime At The Moore


Guitars - Halcyon Way
Nov 9, 2003
Ok...there is no bigger QR fan than me. We joke "what would Chris DeGarmo do" in Halcyon Way. I've seen them do Mindcrime 6 times, twice on the last tour. It's my favorite album, EVER.

I just picked up MATM. The mix is the biggest steaming pile of dog crap I can remember hearing. Who produced this crap? Kelly Gray? What's a bass drum? No matter, it's not important in metal. Guitars through a Big Muff? All good. Heck, let's run the bass through a Gorilla amp to top it off, and BLAST the key parts. Good grief. Haven't seen the DVD yet. Maybe it's better....no, it has to be. But I'll not plop down another $25 to find out. Thoughts?
I haven't heard it yet, so I have no specific thoughts.

However, I will say that I've thought Queensryche has been trying to destroy their career, if not their reputation, for many years now. Mindcrime II was the best thing they've done in over a decade. It surprised the hell out of me.

But I've long since given up on QR. I doubt I'll buy Mindcrime at the Moore. Even if it did have steller sound, it seems like they're milking Mindcrime for all its worth now. I'd rather see them release something new that knocks me off my feet, rather than attempt to relive past glories, even ones that few bands will ever see.


Count me out. This one's not for me.

And, yes, I was a huge QR fan. I saw them open for Metallic in the '80s. I saw them do Mindrime in its entirety when it was released. I've seen them a half dozen times over the years. I own all their remastered CDs. So it pains me to say they don't do anything for me any more.
Ok...there is no bigger QR fan than me. We joke "what would Chris DeGarmo do" in Halcyon Way. I've seen them do Mindcrime 6 times, twice on the last tour. It's my favorite album, EVER.

I just picked up MATM. The mix is the biggest steaming pile of dog crap I can remember hearing. Who produced this crap? Kelly Gray? What's a bass drum? No matter, it's not important in metal. Guitars through a Big Muff? All good. Heck, let's run the bass through a Gorilla amp to top it off, and BLAST the key parts. Good grief. Haven't seen the DVD yet. Maybe it's better....no, it has to be. But I'll not plop down another $25 to find out. Thoughts?

Jason Slater did the mix, but I guess the label or band went and fucked with his mixes once they were done. Apparently his original mix was slamming.

I only have the DVD, but as I've noticed with other QR live albums/DVD's, the DVD usually sounds much better. I don't have 5.1, so I can't really review that, but the sound on the stereo is alright. Not too fond of the mix on MCI, but it gets better as it goes on and sounds great on MCII.

It's a cool DVD, and worth the price for the performance of MCII, which was really written for how they performed it live on that tour. The Chase with Dio is cool as hell to see, and there is a 20 minute behind the scenes documentary on tour rehearsals and setting up the DVD shoot.
The sound on the DVD is not great but it isn't terrible either. The drums sound abit flat to me and the guitars seem much tamer than the classic works. I'm not a big fan of what Mike Stone does, but perhaps I too am too much of a DeGarmo fanboy. The DVD is worth having to see the 'acted' performance, which can get abit campy at times, but overall is enjoyable. I think MCII works better on DVD when you see the action. I thought the lyrics on MCII weren't very effective in terms of telling a story the way MCI did, but live it makes a bit more sense. The Queensryche that made me become a singer in a metal is gone, sad to say, but I will probably always support them anyway.
I saw QR three times on the latest MC I&II tour (once traveling from Baltimore to Orlando because we didn't realize that they were going to announce more than two tour dates) and thought they were amazing every time. I also have to agree with PurpleCrayonWriter that MC II was the best thing they've done in awhile. I know a lot of folks thought it was lacking in comparison to the first MC, but to each their own.

As far as the new releases go, I've heard both the live CD and DVD and thought they sounded great, but I'm no expert when it comes to the technicalities of musicians or recording. I'll have to inform DemonOfTheWoods of this thread, since he also saw them three times on the last tour and is also self-proclaimed "biggest Queensryche fan." He bought the CD and DVD days before they were released (he works in a record store so he gets that nice perk) and I think the first day he had them we listened to the CDs at least twice and watched the DVDs probably about 3 or 4 times. :headbang:
man, the drums are totally buried, the bass drum has no snap, the snare is thin sounding, the vox are too loud, the guitars have no grind to them, I mean it's just a mess. MHO. Oh well....
I am going to get this from NETFLIX first to see how it sounds before plunking money down for it.
Its the #1 selling DVD on Billboard. And Venom. I agree. Actually I watch music DVDs too rare to buy them. Might as well just put it on my queue each time I feel like watching.
Its the #1 selling DVD on Billboard. And Venom. I agree. Actually I watch music DVDs too rare to buy them. Might as well just put it on my queue each time I feel like watching.
I have gotten some crappy music dvds in the past. I pretty much if I have not seen a movie before then get it from Netflix first, view it and then make a decision if it is something I want. Same with Msuic videos. I have avoided some real crap ones this way. BTW, I would recommend the new Twisted Sister - The Videos DVD.:headbang:
At one time I owned everything QR put out, but I have since sold all my stuff from Promised Land up to MCII. This band is useless to me anymore, sorry. The only DVD I've held on to is the only one that counts, which is Operation Livecrime. My recommendation is to stop wasting your money on this band, because it encourages them to continue to put out crap. Those are just my thoughts of course.

At one time I owned everything QR put out, but I have since sold all my stuff from Promised Land up to MCII. This band is useless to me anymore, sorry. The only DVD I've held on to is the only one that counts, which is Operation Livecrime. My recommendation is to stop wasting your money on this band, because it encourages them to continue to put out crap. Those are just my thoughts of course.


Quoted for the extreme truth factor of the post!!!:headbang:
Quoted for the extreme truth factor of the post!!!:headbang:

In all honesty, I say that with sadness and not to be a smartass. This band blew me away when I was 13 years old and I'll never forget that. It's still beyond me how a band can put out something as good as Promised Land and turn around and release HITNF. :erk:


why isn't there an onstage Dr. X with either megaphone or podium during Anarchy-X?

Or then, why wasn't Ronnie Dio readapted for the Dr. X vocal segments?

Are we still left to presume that Nicky's memory was shaky at best, and that Anthony Valentine (who played Dr X on the first cd and the promo vids with his thick eyebrows and goatee) wasn't the real X, but a figment of Nicky's imagination? Or was Ronnie Dio the figment?

Hell, was there any proof that there WAS a Dr X in the first place? Or a Mary?

Anyways, the band does sound great for the shape they're in, 20 years older than where they were in the late 1980s.

Btw, Pam Moore herself does look and sound fantastic.