Best Mindcrime 2 review yet

it's music dude...and open to everyone's individual tastes...for example...michael jacksons thriller is considered to be one of the highest selling albums of all time...yet the total sales of it don't equal even .5% of the worldwide population...anyone's art is created to their taste...whether anyone likes it or not is up to the like tribe, i like mindcrime 2 (and neither is still as good as rage for order)...aint freedom a great thing?
diablomozart said:
it's music dude...and open to everyone's individual tastes...for example...michael jacksons thriller is considered to be one of the highest selling albums of all time...yet the total sales of it don't equal even .5% of the worldwide population.
This is no longer true. Both China and India have recently instituted programs to issue newborns copies of "Thriller" at birth. Apparently China and India are no longer satisfied with their dominance in math and science. They also want to ensure that their youth dominates our youth when it comes to moonwalking.

why do i like it? not gonna say it's perfect by any means...seems when degarmo left they lost most of their "hooks" in my opinion...but i am intrigued by the story...i think the drumming is good...the vox and guitars are a little flat for my taste...but overall i dont see it as totally bad like some...again tho...i didnt get it having any expectations whatsoever...i am also one of the freaks that likes promised land as it the old queensryche that i thought was great? when viewed in perspective, it is quite a few years later...their tastes in music have changed as have my own...when it hits, i think it hits well...when it misses it misses pretty hard too...but i give them props for at least trying to recapture some of the energy they had in their youth...i never viewed qr as a prog band...and probably never will...even tho some of omc2 (a murder?) is a little on the proggy side...course discussing this with you has made me go back and relisten to tribe...and i think what i cant get by on that cd is the production...the songs arent bad...but it seems they had been on a downhill slide production-wise since hear in the now frontier...i think most of all what i like about omc2 is that i can tell they are trying to take some chances...not afraid to lose listeners and putting out what they want to...and any artist that does thast deserves at least a small amount of respect whether we like their music or not... for thriller being implanted in newborns...general zod has (always has had) my vote for president of the united states...ah hell...let's just make him undisputed ruler of the world...thats right...kneel before
haha... when the title of this thread said "Best Mindcrime 2 review yet"... I thought it was going to be a link to a page that said, "This sucks." That would have been funny as hell. :lol: :lol:
SavaVIDude said:
I can't disagree too vehemently with a screen name like "EOT" and a pic of HOMK!!!! Geoff's vanity might have run DeGarmo off, but look at the writing credits on every CD before Promised Land, or whatever was after Empire. No writer = nothing to say. And in these indie dayz where folks like us LISTEN to the music and words, it doesn't matter who's singing if all you can talk about is someone ran off with your girlfriend and left her dawg with you!!

Chris :rock:

SavaVIDude :rock:

I realize that DeGarmo's departure put a hole in the band for sure, but I still blame Geoff for the quality of the music thereafter.
diablomozart said:
i am also one of the freaks that likes promised land as well...and i think what i cant get by on that cd is the production...the songs arent bad...but it seems they had been on a downhill slide production-wise since hear in the now frontier...

I like Promised Land as well. You're right, after Promised Land the production of their albums have sounded like they recorded them in a 50 gallon oil drum! Again, I blame Tate for allowing that to happen, because he's been striving for a stripped down, modern sound ever since HITNF. Mindcrime II is again a result of that, but at least the songs are structured in a traditional way. If production had been as good for MCII as it was for Promised Land, then MCII would sound 10 times better, IMO.
edgeofthorns said:
I like Promised Land as well.
The songs on "Promised Land" are hit or miss for me. But mostly "hit". I'd give the disc an 8/10. That said, I also have a great deal of respect for what they tried to accomplish with "Promised Land". After the incredible commercial success they enjoyed with "Empire", I have to imagine it would have been fairly easy for them to write "Empire II". However, they chose to take the band in a more experimental, less commercial direction. That takes both balls and committment to your musical vision. Unfortunately, they haven't penned a song worth listening to (IMO) since "Promised Land".

batmura said:
Comeback album? Yeah sure., April 4, 2006

Best Mindcrime II review yet? Come on... whatever you think about the album, surely you can't consider this a well-written review... it's hardly even a review at all. If the guy didn't like it, there's no problem at all with writing a negative review, but that wasn't it... that was clearly just bitching and insult-hurling from a disgruntled former fan. But that's hardly a surprise considering it was from Amazon, heh.
General Zod said:
Unfortunately, they haven't penned a song worth listening to (IMO) since "Promised Land".

I'm not sure how you can make a blanket statement like this about all of their post-Promised Land material, when by your own admission, you have not heard all of it...
Let's face it folks. Queensryche is dead and gone. They left in 1994. And they left for good. Promised Land was the nail in the coffin.
It doesn't matter how good or bad the new album is...people have already made up their minds. This quote demonstrates this loudly. No matter what QR recorded, it was going to be called a pile of crap by people who have decided they "left for good."

Oh well...their loss. The disc, on its own merits, is a great record.

- Chris
You know, I can almost deal with the fact that the musicianship is not what is used to be. My problem is that Tate's melodies are lacking substance and creativity. There is no comparison to OM1, or Empire and PL for that matter. Everything after PL is junk. And performing in Mindcrime regularly ( QR tribute band), We will NEVER play anythin after PL.

If Tate could regain his past "karma" this album could have been great. After all, melody is what makes a song. But it will never happen. DeGarmo was the driving force behind those albums, and was the melodic and creative inspiration for the recordings and live performances...

Yeah, I thought Q2K SUCKED! I liked PL better than HITNF, but I think Empire was their last great album, until OM II came out. After further review: 9.25 .
Empire 9.5/10
PL 8.5/10
Hear 7/10
Q2K 2/10
Tribe ???
Everonn said:
It doesn't matter how good or bad the new album is...people have already made up their minds. This quote demonstrates this loudly. No matter what QR recorded, it was going to be called a pile of crap by people who have decided they "left for good."

Oh well...their loss. The disc, on its own merits, is a great record.

- Chris
yeah, only this argument fails because I LOVED Tribe, and I think OM2 is shite. I can't see how anyone can rationally give it more than a 5/10 even if they are diehard fans, deaf, or into whatever sort of nonmusical thing it is. :zombie:
General Zod said:
The songs on "Promised Land" are hit or miss for me. But mostly "hit". I'd give the disc an 8/10. That said, I also have a great deal of respect for what they tried to accomplish with "Promised Land". After the incredible commercial success they enjoyed with "Empire", I have to imagine it would have been fairly easy for them to write "Empire II". However, they chose to take the band in a more experimental, less commercial direction. That takes both balls and committment to your musical vision. Unfortunately, they haven't penned a song worth listening to (IMO) since "Promised Land".


Yeah, I've heard people say both good and bad about Promised Land over the years. IMO, it's almost like they were in sort of a Rage For Order frame of mind. I'm not saying they were trying to make RageII, but like you say, they tried a different direction.