Best Mindcrime 2 review yet


Sea of Tranquility
Nov 1, 2001
Comeback album? Yeah sure., April 4, 2006
It is amazing how so many people get worked up over an album only because it's titled Mindcrime II. When are people going to stop judging books by their cover? Let's face it folks. Queensryche is dead and gone. They left in 1994. And they left for good. Promised Land was the nail in the coffin. They had a great run. They put out fantastic music. The Warning was killer. Rage for Order was even better. Mindcrime was a masterpiece. Empire showed they also understood melody. Promised Land was their most progressive disc. But then, their interests in music waned, they wanted to explore alternative rock and play pop music. With or without DeGarmo, they would never be the same again. They released several albums both with and without Chris DeGarmo and they all suffered from weak writing and soulless musicianship. Then Mr Tate announced Mindcrime II saying they were going back to their roots. And suddenly everyone gets worked up. Why? Just because Tate said so? Please don't make yourself so funny. This album is terrible. Weak writing, rehashed riffs and solos, no DeGarmo style melodies, no powerful vocals. The only good thing is Dio but even the Voice of Metal can't save the Ryche anymore. It's over folks. Those of you saying this is even better than Mindcrime I are sad, pathetic idiots! You just want to like this album, but deep inside, you know too, this album is crap. Full of steaming crap. Get over yourselves and listen to bands that have something to say. These guys suffer from lack of creativity. They tried out the alternative scene but failed because no one gives a damn about their 80's hair metal days. Upon realizing they have to make a return to form, Tate must have thought the easiest way to regain popularity would be through an album titled Mindcrime II. Whether the subject matter is relevant or not does not matter to him. He knows the idea of Mindcrime II is big and will fill his empty pockets. However, the saddest thing is all these people falling for it. After a month the truth will hit most of them over their head. Better than Mindcrime I? BLASPHEMY. Queensryche after 1994 sucks and Mindcrime II is a lame excuse for Geoff Tate and Michael Wilton.
Lifted from Amazon. It's hilarious. But the dude is dead on.
Right on.

However, their live performances from last year were quite wonderful. The first set was a "best of", if you will...the second set was OM in its entirety.

I'll remember that one for the rest of my life.
YtseJammer said:
Right on.

However, their live performances from last year were quite wonderful. The first set was a "best of", if you will...the second set was OM in its entirety.

I'll remember that one for the rest of my life.

I can't really say that was a good "best of" fact there were very few "best of" songs in there at all...and he totally killed "The Lady Wore Black"...god it was just awful...
YtseJammer said:
Right on.

However, their live performances from last year were quite wonderful. The first set was a "best of", if you will...the second set was OM in its entirety.

I'll remember that one for the rest of my life.

l agree...last years show was great. Geoff hit notes l didn't think he could do anymore....especially on "Take Hold of the Flame". Saw QR when they teamed up with Dream Theater & Fates Warning before and he wouldn't even try to touch some of the high stuff. The OM I set was phenomenal...glad l didn't miss it.
batmura said:
Tate must have thought the easiest way to regain popularity would be through an album titled Mindcrime II.

That's pretty much what I feared. I haven't heard it yet, but I just can't help but feel cynical about it. After hearing about Tate bagging on metal, and their string of albums that were not to my taste, "going back to the roots" just comes off as "well, we gotta pander to the fanbase." I could be wrong - again, I haven't heard this album yet - but I've always felt that way since this project was announced. I love old Queensryche, and hope they follow their creative muse...even if it is to styles that I don't personally care for. At least it's honest.
You know what else I have to add to that review? I LIKED Tribe. However, he's DEAD ON about QR having nothing to say. Tribe was different, but it still had an urgency of message. When Tribe came out, we had just begun this current fiasco in the Middle East, and Tribe spoke to that. OM2 offers NOTHING political, NOTHING provoking, like OM1 did. OM1 songs were great, but I think what really added to the appeal associated with those days of QR was their ability to be an activist band, to have something worth singing about. OM2 drowns in its own mediocrity.
Does it strike anyone else as interesting that whenever a shit album comes out *coughEvergreycough* or *coughRychecough* so many people get juiced up over it? LOL.
batmura said:
Comeback album? Yeah sure.Queensryche is dead and gone. They left in 1994. And they left for good. Promised Land was the nail in the coffin. They had a great run. They put out fantastic music. The Warning was killer. Rage for Order was even better. Mindcrime was a masterpiece. Empire showed they also understood melody. Promised Land was their most progressive disc. But then, their interests in music waned, they wanted to explore alternative rock and play pop music. With or without DeGarmo, they would never be the same again. --
Lifted from Amazon. It's hilarious. But the dude is dead on.

You hit the nail on the head. At his peak, Geoff Tate was arguably the best rock singer EVER. But after DeGarmo left, it took the heart and soul out of QR. Even Tate's vocals in his best days don't do you a lot of good if you don't have anything to say.

BTW, whatever happened to Chris DeGarmo?? It's a shame that partnership had to break up.

Peace out.
Chris :headbang:
Again, the lack of DeGarmo isn't the problem, it's Geoff! He must be one of the most stubborn vocalist this side of Kiske to ever walk the planet. Both of those guys slam metal, yet where did their popularity come from? If they'd both do what they do best, it would probably take no time for them to gain raport with their fans again. Instead, both vocalist choose to make music that's mundane just to prove they have the say over what they do. :cry:

As for the review above, I totally agree. It isn't that great of an album. IMO it's better than their last 3, but nowhere near the level of a Rage for Order or Promised Land.
batmura said:
Does it strike anyone else as interesting that whenever a shit album comes out *coughEvergreycough* or *coughRychecough* so many people get juiced up over it? LOL.
i'll start coughing the day Evergrey releases an album that's less than "great".

You can't compare slightly scuffed bronze with a pile of shiz. both bands are capable of gold, but you know what? the boys from sweden still deliver a great disc, and QR delivered us albumcrime
batmura said:
Does it strike anyone else as interesting that whenever a shit album comes out *coughEvergreycough* or *coughRychecough* so many people get juiced up over it? LOL.


However, I gotta say that despite your hatred for the new Evergrey album, it is a MUCH better album than this "so called Operation Mindcrime II".

This album is a real mind crime. Poor listeners....
edgeofthorns said:
Again, the lack of DeGarmo isn't the problem, it's Geoff! He must be one of the most stubborn vocalist this side of Kiske to ever walk the planet. Both of those guys slam metal, yet where did their popularity come from? If they'd both do what they do best, it would probably take no time for them to gain raport with their fans again. Instead, both vocalist choose to make music that's mundane just to prove they have the say over what they do. :cry:

As for the review above, I totally agree. It isn't that great of an album. IMO it's better than their last 3, but nowhere near the level of a Rage for Order or Promised Land.

I can't disagree too vehemently with a screen name like "EOT" and a pic of HOMK!!!! Geoff's vanity might have run DeGarmo off, but look at the writing credits on every CD before Promised Land, or whatever was after Empire. No writer = nothing to say. And in these indie dayz where folks like us LISTEN to the music and words, it doesn't matter who's singing if all you can talk about is someone ran off with your girlfriend and left her dawg with you!!

Chris :headbang:
edgeofthorns said:
Both of those guys slam metal, yet where did their popularity come from? If they'd both do what they do best, it would probably take no time for them to gain raport with their fans again.

I couldn't agree with this more. Even if they were doing material that wasn't to my taste, I would at least hold out repsect for them for doing their own thing.
while i can't say it's better than mindcrime (even though i am a freak and prefer rage for order over mindcrime *ducks and runs* think they at least tried...and in a few songs it shows through rearrange you and the may not be a great album but i do prefer it to q2k or seems like they at least tried to make a tentaive step in the right direction and i found it listenable...but i wasn't expecting much...that being said, i thought they sounded very good when they opened fro priest here last year...d.m.
I can't see how people even think this is better than Tribe.

Tribe, while not being prog in any form (which in itself is no detriment to me), lacking hot solo spots (again, oh well), at least musically was sound. OM2 has some sections that are so unmusical they make me cringe severely, such as the ending duet bit, and most of the beginning.