"Ministry of Metal" Now Streaming Worldwide Sundays 7-10 PM Eastern Time


Tyrants and Slaves
Jan 18, 2006
Maine or Iowa
It's about damned time! The University of Maine campus station (WMEB 91.9 FM Orono ME) finally set up a functioning webstream server. Now you can hear me broadcast my show "Ministry of Metal" every Sunday night from 7 to 10 PM (US Eastern time).

Here's the link for live streaming:

The link should start the stream playing in your default music player. If not, follow these instructions...

iTunes Users: Copy the URL, then open iTunes. Under “Advanced”, select “Open Stream”. Paste the URL into the text field, then click “Open”. This will permanently add the WMEB-FM webstream to your iTunes library.

Winamp Users: Copy the URL, then open Winamp. Under “File”, select “Play URL”. Paste the URL into the text field, then click “Open”.

Windows Media Player Users: Copy the URL, then open Windows Media Player. Under “File”, select “Open URL”. Paste the URL into the text field, then click “OK”.

Happy listening! Posts requests here or via PM.

Does WTOS still make an attempt at playing some real metal on the weekends too late at night?

And Congrats, if you can steer a few in the right direction you have succeeded!