Minniva - The Female Version of PelleK?


Cotton Candy Collector
Mar 31, 2009
Raleigh, NC
Found this on Spotify...Not sure what to think of it.

She does covers of a lot of good songs (PP type metal). I want to like it, but also listening to these, I get the same kind of empty feeling I get when listening to a lot of PelleKs covers (he is churning them out...27 albums on Spotify at last count). Like, "Hey I like this song! I wonder what he'll do with it!?!" Then end up changing song half way through.
She's certainly the female Pellek in terms of productivity, but not really in his league in terms of either vocal ability or sheer variety. She's getting a little better she started out doing just female fronted metal but she's branching out more now and improving from average to above average as a vocalist in the process.

Another thing Pellek does which I love is comedy stuff like his collaboration with Tommy Reinxeed on Nothing But Metal and his This is Power Metal parody.