minor improvements made to the site


Tyrant in Distress
I changed some of the queries and fixed some parts of the database to make things run a little faster. It has severely lessened the load the site puts on the server, but there is still the issue of actually downloading all the content (which may make the other changes unnoticeable if you're on a modem). I'll be working on simplifying the html code so it takes up less bandwidth sometime soon. These updates are separate from the new codebase I'm still plugging away at, but I felt like I needed more immediate fixes in the interim. I also fixed the label search to only pull up labels who have had more than 10 releases by bands on the site and I fixed it so it will display bands that a musician is a current member of but not recorded with next to the musician in the lineup (previously it only listed bands they had recorded with).

That's it for now, if you see any problems created by these updates, let me know. If they are in the admin area only, then post on our other board about them or contact me directly.

jimbobhickville said:
I also fixed the label search to only pull up labels who have had more than 10 releases by bands on the site and I fixed it so it will display bands that a musician is a current member of but not recorded with next to the musician in the lineup (previously it only listed bands they had recorded with).

Excellent ideas! I was going to suggest them myself.