I'm not exactly sure what you are reffering to...but anyway, the first time I ever downloaded MP3s was off mIRC, and I still do...you can find rare stuff in there if you look hard enough.
It's a lot more complex than either Kazaa or any other filesharing program, but I'll try to explain as much as I can:
1)Join any network (I usually log on to Undernet)
2)There are MANY channels devoted solely to sharing mp3s, and the only way I've found them is thru trial and error. I just type in variations of the word mp3, for example: #mp3rock #mp3metal #rockmp3 #metalmp3 Two of those are real channels...but anways, some really crowded channels are: #mp3cafe #mp3jukebox But they aren't particularly metal oriented.
3)Once you're in an mp3 channel, type the following: @find *name*of*band*or*album* For example, if you're looking for Opeth's Damnation, you'd type: @find *opeth*damnation*
4)IF someone has that file you seek, you'll get an automatic private message. Copy and paste the text from where it has and exclamation point until it says ".mp3" For example, if I were sharing Windowpane, you;d get a message from me that'd say: !Azogue-Opeth-Damnation-Track 01- Windowpane.mp3 or something similar....just copy from the ! mark till the filename.
5)Most people who serve mp3s leave their PC on all day, but they also have a LOONG queue of people trying to download stuff off them. In the private messages you'll get, you'll be able to see how many people are in queue to download something off that user. It'd say something like "Slots: 2/5 Que:35/99" That'd mean you'll have to wait a looong time. Try to download stuff off people with low numbers to the left of the slash , e.g Que: 1/50
6)Users who serve mp3s usually "advertise" some of the files they're sharing in the main room. If you notice someone is sharing something you might like, maybe they have the same taste in music as you...so you can check out a full list of all the files they're sharing. To do this, type @UserName, replacing "UserName" with the actual username of course. For example: @azogue
7)If all else fails, stick to kazaa lite, soulseek or Direct Connect. Direct Connect is a lot more efficient when it comes to download rare stuff...especially metal, but it's also somewhat complicated to use, and I'm tired of typing. If you're interested, download it off
By the way, if you don't have mIRC, download it off
8) "peace out"