mIRC + other stuff

bleed for me

Sep 9, 2001
Brooklyn, NY
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Now that audiogalaxy is dead, i was wondering where to download music. Kazaa is ok but not great. I have mIRC but i don't know any good channels. So what are some good channels in mirc and what are some other good programs that have a good selection of songs and actually workss!?

btw: What's this spyware stuff i'm hearing about kazaa? what is spyware and why shouldn't i have it?
the chanels i can not help you with, but spyware..
it is quite simply a litle program that runs in the backgroud and check what you do, what webpages you visit a.s.o.
then it can send the info to diferent sites/compnies to use with theyre comersials... it can even replace ads that are suposed to be there (like the ones at the top of this page) with theyre own ads... it can popup ads where there aren´t suposed to be any...you name it..
simply put, it does sort of the same things to your surfing as spam mail does for your mail...

and yes, kazza have spyware.. so does AG ... and i´ve heard rumors that DC does too..

the most comon ones beeing used are bonzybuddy (AG uses this one) and crock...something =)....
mIRC: depends on what network you connect to I guess. I'm usually connected to DALnet, where #mp3_metal seems to be the most active (metal) mp3 channel. Unfortunately I can't find as much on IRC as I could on AudioGalaxy.

Spyware: KazaaLite is *said* to be the no-spyware version of Kazaa. Don't know about all those other file sharing programs.
As well as #mp3_metal on DALnet, give #mp3_blackdeath a try. You could also try #mp3_metal on Undernet, but I find the servers on DALnet have more metal bands that you've never heard of, which is good for checking out music.
Okay, this is helpful. I just was told about Kazaa and I heard some chatter about AG Lite a few days back so... is this Lite version lacking much or what? I'm not going to wait around this time. Time's a wastin'!

I've got several CDs (after last nights inventory check) that I don't really want. That happened because...well, whatever the true reason, I didn't have a choice to listen to it before I bought. I just went by what other people told me.

Anyhow, mIRC and Kazaa...are these the choices? Anymore suggestions?