I need mp3 help too!

TRrEiTxIxRiE DTrash

New Metal Member
Apr 14, 2001
I've been trying to find the song "Assume The Position" by Rhett Forrester. I have the end of the video clip on a Hard N Heavy and it sounds GREAT. I've tried Kazaa and Audiogalaxy and heaps of mp3 channels on mIRC and have only found one person who has the mp3 but the best I have ever gotten to in his queue is 162!!!

Does anybody have any other suggestions as to where I might find this song?!?! Any other programs which would be likely to have it? Any other mp3 channels you know of? I was using #hardrock&metalmp3, #mp3_metal, #truemetalmp3 (thats where the one person had it), #metalmp3, #mp3-metal and I even tried #mp3z haha. All on Undernet... is there another server on IRC that serves mp3s???
Thought you might be :).

The remix of Let's Put The X In Sex (from the bad quality copies of it I've heard) is 80s keyboards and drum machines galore. It was on the 12" version of the single and also shows up on any number of crap bootlegs. My impossible search for a decent copy continues...

Wrathchild said:
The place that has almost everything except the radio edit of Domino and the 7:33 remix of Let's Put The X In Sex :mad:


Does winmx really have almost everything? I've tried using Kazaa to find mp3's, and as far as I know this one's the most popular mp3 sharing program around now, but the problem is that much of the REALLY underground stuff can't be found there. Would I be able to access a bigger variety of songs on Winmx?
Hell yeah, testify! :rock:

Winmx is a Napster clone with the added bonus of resumable downloads, so you can get almost anything you're after... eventually.

I've tried Kazaalite but couldn't get it to connect. Might try it again when I've cleared a bit more disk space on this old relic of a computer.

I'm 95% sure that Heather Locklear is one of the 2 female cops who gets naked in the clip of that Assume The Position song too. I tried looking it up on the net then to confirm but I can't find anything about it.

It's definitely her though I'm sure of it!
Yeah they would've been ripped from vinyl. Those things sound fine when you listen to records, you don't notice them coz they kinda belong there. But when you hear them on mp3s it sounds awful.

I found someone who has it burnt to CD. I'll try to get a copy off her I think :)
The Trooper said:
I've been trying to find the song "Assume The Position" by Rhett Forrester. I have the end of the video clip on a Hard N Heavy and it sounds GREAT. I've tried Kazaa and Audiogalaxy and heaps of mp3 channels on mIRC and have only found one person who has the mp3 but the best I have ever gotten to in his queue is 162!!!

Does anybody have any other suggestions as to where I might find this song?!?! Any other programs which would be likely to have it? Any other mp3 channels you know of? I was using #hardrock&metalmp3, #mp3_metal, #truemetalmp3 (thats where the one person had it), #metalmp3, #mp3-metal and I even tried #mp3z haha. All on Undernet... is there another server on IRC that serves mp3s???

hey troop!

I will check the LP collection for it - It's a great song off his solo LP. To my knowledge it hasn't been released on cd - But fuck me , i could be wrong.

did you know he died? - Aids related.
I'll get back to you if i find it.

Hey Stu! Thanks dude but I actually finally found it on Friday night!! :) I actually have it playing now, awesome song! I gotta find that album on vinyl I think!
Troops, when you get a copy of that 12" remix, could you ask your source if she has a decent quality MP3 of the radio edit of Domino too?

I have a boatload of rare KISS stuff to trade if either of you are interested. Unplugged outtakes anyone?