

Metal Teknophiliac
Apr 9, 2004
Hell in the Pacific (NW)
I've never been a huge fan of online forums and I'm rarely known to post threads on bulletins. In this case, screw it, why not. I'm bored.

Current music:
Axis of Perdition, Mistress, Red Harvest, Frost, Anaal Nathrakh, Disiplin, Khold, Luciferion, Impiety, Forest of Impaled... oh, and a lot of late 80's L.A. sleaze (yeah, ghey). My "now playing" lists kind of cycle in phases, but right now, I'm particularly fond of Industrial Black/Death metal (which I think is a rather laughable tag, but what else are you gonna call it?)

Anyway, just thought I'd take a second and say hail. So there you go.
That's a trick question... it sullies my reputation as a black/death metal enthusiast. But I'll answer it anyway. I have lately been listening to the first two Faster Pussycat albums, the first two L.A. Guns (but I like Cocked and Loaded best), Love/Hate, GNR (Appetite), and of course Motley Crue's finest two albums Too Fast For Love and Shout at the Devil... now that I'm done name-dropping, I'm going to go to the Exhumed show.
Nice-- Faster Pussycat puts on quite a show. It's downright 1987. I used to know a hooker that went out with Taime Down for awhile. He broke it off with her so she nailed the rest of the band right before they went out on tour. :hypno:

You going to see Exhumed in Seattle? Have you run into Burning Witch out there?
I saw Burning Witch out here maybe 5 years ago... or was it 4? I don't quite recall. It's been a while, at any rate. It's been a while since I've been to any metal show for that matter. I think before last night my last one was Strapping Young Lad, Berzerker, Dark Tranquility (who I hated), Nile (who I also really don't like), and Napalm Death as the headliner. I don't get out very often. Thursday night, however, is Morbid Angel, Suffocation, and Satyricon which I will not miss out on. I try to see Morbid Angel whenever they come to Seattle.