misery signal snare sample... anyone have it? + fade in swoosh fx...


Jun 15, 2008
Hey guys! i was working to produce a song from a band in my area. They wanted me to have a snare sound pretty much like misery signal's song ,Controller or mirrors.

If any of u guys have similar sample like this, i wud like to use it for this project.

And also how to create a fading in swoosh sound in a mix? Just like the fading scream in one of Job for a cowboy song. Any ideas to share? :headbang:
Mess around with playing sounds backwards for the fade in swoosh, overlay a few of them and you should get a pretty awesome sswwwwoooooossssshhhh :p

EDIT: try using some time stretching too, can produce some cool effects
Oldest trick in the book. Render to audio, import, reverse, add shitloads of reverb (not as an insert, i mean directly into the wav file), reverse again.