'Miss K' joins stratovarius on vocals


Feb 7, 2002
Manchester, UK
I suppose that most of you have now read the news on Blabbermouth or on the official site

but Jen's brother Anders (who I thought was playing in Hammerfall) has joined the Stratofortress on drums bound for world-domination (or at least a decent payday) and Miss K has replaced Mr K on vocals

Apparently she used to sing in this band - samples on the site

I think it might just work - Tolki won't have anyone bitching about writing songs for the band and will take the lion's share of the profits, while the others'll keep their mouths shut and rub their hands with glee at the thought of a decent payday. All the lineup-change crap has probably generated the band more publicity in the last 3 months than they've had in all their career previously. Let's hope Popkiller lives up to its name, eh?
Popkiller? (Am I being thick there?)

Sounds very interesting, I hope Strat keep their sound though and don't just jump on the female vocal bandwagon with this one! Personally I can't imagine it but I would be intrigued to hear some!
I liked Strato the way they were. Okay, so Kotipelto's voice was an acquired taste but I can't imagine this next release being the same without him.

And 'Popkiller' sounds like a punk/nu-metal album title!!! :confused:

But, I'll still be interested to hear their new sound.
yeh... i think its gonna be another iced earth where everyones skeptical but it turns out to be ok... i was a massive fan of timo kotipeltos voice so its a bit annoying that he left but im interested to hear some with this miss k chick... and btw she did lookm rather hot...
Popkiller is a working title, but still...
I hope with this new singer they don't change the image, I mean, she just looked to have a bit of a different image to the Strato we are all used to!
Could Stratovarius be about to record their "Avril Lavigne" album , she does look a bit Skaterish to me or are they going to go all "Nightwish" on us , after all if you take Tarja`s voice out of the Nightwish mix you could well be listening to another Stratovarius !. This lady will also make Timo T. look even more "pie friendly" on stage given his recent expanding !!
After destroying a brilliant band in the name of cash, I don't think anyone will want to look at T.T. in the first place!
Stratovarius are unusual for a band in that they have always split all the money equally. TT is uncharacteristically generous in that regard. It is unlikely that the other band members will have been complaining about wanting a bigger cut...
I'm going to be watching Strat with interest to see how this new line up develops. 'Popkiller' sounds a strange title buy hey.......why not! Personally I have always liked Kotipelto's voice and I wish him all the best with his future ventures. I will no doubt be buying what he produces as I have like his solo stuff in the past.
One thing that has worried me in this thread though....a number of you fellas ... including Eagle.....have stated that you feel Miss K is 'fit'! :erk: This only goes to prove that I have no idea when it comes to the working of the male psyche..as she just look downright scarey to me! :p Oh... and I shall be discussing this with Eagle later today to explore the reasoning behind his earlier statement! ;)
i think i saw a bad picture of her... or a good one as it were... she looks like a bit of a bint in the pictures at the strat website... all that blood on her hands and the swearing thing.. i just dont think its very stratovarius... her image is wrong.. in fact strat dont even have an image as such and i think thats the problem... shed be more suited to evanescence or however you spell it... maybe if she lost the attitude id warm to her...
Hopefully those pictures aren't Strat promotion pics, I reckon they are probably from her old band or whatever. But still, it's about the music, right? and it says she's classically trained with a voice that can span 3 Octaves.
I still prefer my classical trained female metal singers to have a nice serene or goddess like quality though.

My apologies for mistakes about why they split. Was a presumption.