MISS MAY I COVER - You know after you get your mix good enough?

But yeah, right now I need the cash so I can actually get the gear to record real music instead of robot/computerized shit... which soundnt be the MAIN part of a recording.. it shouldn't be a helping factor

I hate to burst your bubble, but getting "real gear" is probably only going to make things harder for you. ITB ampsims, drum samples, and all that, are basically designed to help the average joe get a good sound. If you're having trouble getting a decent sound with that stuff, you're really gonna struggle to get a better sound later once you start adding outboard gear and all that.

don't get me wrong, I use a lot of the ITB stuff (Slate samples, Pod Farm, and all that), but I approached it in a way that I told myself, "I'm going to use this for right now, because it's an easy, and affordable way to get into the market". I am a naturalist by heart. standing in front of a cranked tube amp and 4x12 cab is enough to give me a boner! from day 1 my goal was to have "real everything" real amps, real drums (or at least my own samples). From my experience it is a LOT harder. micing an amp is an art form in itself! processing drums, is another. but I am determined, and because I am determined, I know I will succeed one day. I am just now getting to the point to where I am getting decent guitar sounds from a real amp, and I have spent probably hundreds of hours testing, researching, learning, reading, etc, all the ins and outs of micing amps. and I'm getting "decent" tones. but I know when I make the jump (which I think is VERY soon), it's really going to set my recordings apart from everyone else's. THAT is what sells, both you as an engineer, and the band you record.
im one of the wanting real everything people. but at the moment, itb amp sim/samples are easier for now.

as soon as i get more mics and better room sound, mostly real drums for me. and im getting better at micing my krank amp and orange v30 cab.
in any case the link doesn't work.

make sure you select "copy public link"
If you're doing this for money rather than for the love of it, you'll fit right in with the rest of the corporate cocksuckers that make up the bedroom production scene nowadays.

I think what ermz was getting at, fundamentally, is that your purchasing of steven slate drums is going to make you sound like everyone else rather than having a style of your own, and from my point of view, that makes you an audio cockroach.
You could nuke all these sturgis soundalikes and they'd still live on afterwards.

If a band wants to sound like <insert sturgis production here> it's your job to say to them "fuck no, I won't rip off another engineer, here's a mix that suits your sound rather than another cookie cutter bullshit mix."
If you don't have the balls, the motivation or the drive to do that, then get the fuck out of this game while you're still ahead.


To OP:
Also, you posted some weird link.
Just post the dropbox public link.

ANDDDD; I can cover gay songs, too ;D
lol @ this thread but seriously why do you expect your mix to sound anything like Joey's if the playing isn't right? correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure a large part of his sound(or just about anyone's sound that does label work) is how perfect everything is.
[UEAK]Clowd;9198431 said:
lol @ this thread but seriously why do you expect your mix to sound anything like Joey's if the playing isn't right? correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure a large part of his sound(or just about anyone's sound that does label work) is how perfect everything is.

hit the nail on the head
Absolutely. Wouldn't want to run the risk of sounding unique.
Hah lolz +1M

If a band wants to sound like <insert sturgis production here> it's your job to say to them "fuck no, I won't rip off another engineer, here's a mix that suits your sound rather than another cookie cutter bullshit mix."
If you don't have the balls, the motivation or the drive to do that, then get the fuck out of this game while you're still ahead.

I can only agree with you Gareth, just tell 'm to shut the fuck up or get the hell out. They're in your fucking studio, they're doing it your fucking way

don't get me wrong, I use a lot of the ITB stuff (Slate samples, Pod Farm, and all that), but I approached it in a way that I told myself, "I'm going to use this for right now, because it's an easy, and affordable way to get into the market"

The exact same thing is going on here. Eventually I want to use real drum and amp sounds. Natural sound ftw

You don't want your entry into the industry to be connoted by the idea that you're a more affordable version of another engineer. That never ends well.

[UEAK]Clowd;9198431 said:
lol @ this thread but seriously why do you expect your mix to sound anything like Joey's if the playing isn't right? correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure a large part of his sound(or just about anyone's sound that does label work) is how perfect everything is.

And again,
Plus fucking 1, all of the above!