Missile Defense Project


Your favourite Czech
Feb 5, 2002
What do you think of a ballistic missile defense project and building midcourse tracking and discrimination radar in the Czech Republic? It`s kinda big issue in here now, you know.
Yet another pointless waste of money and resources. A geopolitical shit stain, as far as I'm concerned.

After the Soviets pulled out of the Warsaw Pact nations, we should've had the brains to follow suit and end our occupation of Western Europe. But no! Too many big money interests wrapped up in these useless NATO bases and projects.

Haha. I (from the Czech standpoint) quite support the project. Partially because of the communists and treehuggers who cry like stuck pigs about the American occupation and Third World War. Some of them are even on hunger strike. Fuck them.
Being Czech myself I support anything American does for that part of the world :) And you have good beer too so any presence we have is tits mcgee.

I am sure its overrated but whatever i just make sure planes dont fall out of the sky here in good ole America.
Being Czech myself I support anything American does for that part of the world

So do I.
But still, there's plenty of shitheads exploiting the trend of "primitive anti-americanism". Or "anti-bushism"? Don't get me wrong, I totally can see that some Americans don't really support it - mostly because it will cost their tax money. But the discussion going on here keeps pissing me off. We should be grateful that the USA asked us if they can build their military base in here. Who asked the people when there was Russian invasion in 1968? USA helped our European asses out a few times, as far as I know.
I know that this project is a thorn in the sides of communist and pro-muslim organisations. Which is a reason more for me to support it.
Seems like a good idea to me!! I mean what the hell, you can never be too careful! (Especially when you're viewed as the "Great Satan" to most of the world..) I for one say thank you to the Czech Republic!!:kickass:

So do I.
But still, there's plenty of shitheads exploiting the trend of "primitive anti-americanism". Or "anti-bushism"? Don't get me wrong, I totally can see that some Americans don't really support it - mostly because it will cost their tax money. But the discussion going on here keeps pissing me off. We should be grateful that the USA asked us if they can build their military base in here. Who asked the people when there was Russian invasion in 1968? USA helped our European asses out a few times, as far as I know.
I know that this project is a thorn in the sides of communist and pro-muslim organisations. Which is a reason more for me to support it.