Guess this board would be the best place for my antiMoore rant...


Your favourite Czech
Feb 5, 2002
After seeing Fahrenheit, of which I´ve already told you all about that I was entertained even though I know it probably cannot be viewed as an objective documentary, but inspired by it I borrowed his new book which had been just translated to Czech: "Dude, where´s my country". Not to mention that half of it appeared in Fahrenheit (guess why not make money off the same thing twice), I got terribly pissed off in the chapter where he disses the countries which had entered the US coalition forces during the Iraq conflict, Czech republic being no exception.
He writes (now I´m translating from Czech back to English so I´m probably not accurate) "How ridiculous! We would have let you enter NATO anyway!"
So, he basically states that the Czech joined the coalition forces only because of kissing the American ass, prior to NATO entry?
Well the fact is, Czech Republic has been a NATO member since April 1999, that makes it more than four years BEFORE the conflict. If he works with the other "facts" he presents the same way...
With a similar sarcastic comment he bashes every other country (which he doesn´t know jackshit of), who offere to help HIS homeland´s troops to fight. I guess excluding Great Britain, because he´d probably have run out of arguments on this one.
Not to mention he basically admits being a commie and having gotten laid in his 32 for the first time.
But I have to admit some parts of it were funny and I guess he did make some valid points.
Like all great propagandists the guy uses truth, lies, half truths and conjecture. He puts up a simple arguement and supports them with his version of the facts. Taken at face value the guy seems to make sense, but upon further investigation into his version of the "facts" one can see it's just his opinion. He is a dick and a dum - dum who makes his millions off tragedy and misery.
the bottom line is that they dared help george w bush, the most evil man on the planet and the worlds #1 terrorist. if you do not hate bush like they do you are a neo-con moron. bush has freed about 50 million poeple from terrorist governments and that counts for nothing and sstill makes him evil? what really pisses them off is that it is a republican president freeing these people and spreading democracy. and the fact that it is george w really ticks them off because they hate his guts. they hate the idea of a republican president ( george w bush no less) leaving a good/better legacy than their god, bill clinton.
ivankoloff said:
the bottom line is that they dared help george w bush, the most evil man on the planet and the worlds #1 terrorist. if you do not hate bush like they do you are a neo-con moron. bush has freed about 50 million poeple from terrorist governments and that counts for nothing and sstill makes him evil? what really pisses them off is that it is a republican president freeing these people and spreading democracy. and the fact that it is george w really ticks them off because they hate his guts. they hate the idea of a republican president ( george w bush no less) leaving a good/better legacy than their god, bill clinton.

The reason Bill was so popular in America and in EUrope was because he gave more financial aid to turd world countries and to the people who are lazy lumps of shit then any other President in history. On another note he raised this money by cutting our military and CIA budgets by a third leaving our country open to attck around the world.
The legacy pf Clinton is minimal response to terrorism
Emasculated men and NAzi- feminism- The scum of the planet wanting more and more, Killing Christians instead of Muslims. This is a great man???
Moore has the same rights Milano has to publish and say what he wants, but what I dont get is I disagree with Moore and I get labled as a neo-con sheep. Moore is a socialist propaganda artist, not a documentarian.