Who'll turn Soviet faster? EU or US?


May 10, 2005
Calais, Maine (not France)
Czech President Vaclav Klaus is like a fuckin hero to me. First he calls Global Warming the biggest scam in history, and now he compares the EU to the Soviet Union! And he's the EU president!

BRUSSELS – The European Union has turned into an undemocratic and elitist project comparable to the Communist dictatorships of eastern Europe that forbade alternative thinking, Czech President Vaclav Klaus told the European Parliament on Thursday.

Klaus, whose country now holds the rotating EU presidency, set out a scathing attack on the EU project and its institutions, provoking boos from many lawmakers, some of whom walked out, but applause from nationalists and other anti-EU legislators.

Yeah!! The fat bitches who leech off the bureaucracy waddle off to shield their delicate psyches from criticism! Just like the total scum running our Congress!!

Klaus is known for deep skepticism of the EU and has refused to fly the EU flag over his official seat in Prague during the Czech presidency, saying the country is not an EU province.

Last time a non-Czech flag flew over Hradcany Palace, it bore a fuckin swastika. Or was it a hammer and sickle? One of those well-known symbols...

He said current EU practices smacked of communist times when the Soviet Union controlled much of eastern Europe, including the Czech Republic and when dissent or even discussions were not tolerated.

"Not so long ago, in our part of Europe we lived in a political system that permitted no alternatives and therefore also no parliamentary opposition," said Klaus. "We learned the bitter lesson that with no opposition, there is no freedom."

But the god of plenty Obama told us to put aside our differences and unify, unify, UNIFY!!

He said the 27-nation bloc should concentrate on offering prosperity to Europeans, rather than closer political union, and scrap a stalled EU reform treaty that Irish voters have already rejected.

Klaus said that questioning deeper integration has become an "uncriticizable assumption that there is only one possible and correct future of the European integration."

"The enforcement of these notions ... is unacceptable," Klaus said. "Those who dare thinking about a different option are labeled as enemies."

Right on. Enemies! Enemies of the people! Enemies of the state! Who must be purged!! Or at least have their character smeared and lives ruined, like what happens in Washington.

Observers had been expecting Klaus to deliver a critical speech during his first and only visit to the EU chamber at a time when his country holds the EU limelight as chair of the 27-nation bloc.

I think that little speech qualifies.

"I have never experienced a situation where the presidency of the European Union ... compares the EU with the Soviet Union," said Belgian lawmaker Ivo Belet.

Get used to it, you FUCK! Vaclav is in charge, and like and old school pimp from da hood, he don't take shit from NO ONE!

If only there were some balls in Washington to stop the mass-sovietizing of these liberty-minded United States...

Czech Republic, FUCK YEAH!!

Neither will really turn Soviet. The real danger will be, as I sure Ron Paul has warned, if the United States continues on the path of soft fascism/ corporatism. Almost every EU nation that has bailed out its financial systems has demanded returns for tax payers with the capital they are injecting into banks and other lending institutions. No such deal here. Little difference (at least so far) between the Bush/ Paulson and Obama/ Geithner financial industry bailouts: we’ll just continue to ask politely that banks lend and CEO’s don’t get crazed bonuses for running the economy in the ground. If we were Soviets we could at least send Wall Street to the Gulag.
With people like Rick Wagoner running American corporations consider yourself living in a Maoistic dictatorship where they are waiting for taxpayer handouts like the fucking freeloaders they are.

Here we have to live with both Rick Wagoner and our government so I guess we are the Borg.
There are some people with enough courage to speak out and call a stinking pile of dog shit what it is: dog shit. Not an investment in our future. Hence, the Czech PM once again has my vote of confidence, even if the Czech parliament does not.

The Czech prime minister has condemned US President Barack Obama's economic recovery plans as "a way to hell".

Mirek Topolanek was speaking in the European Parliament, in his capacity as current holder of the EU presidency.

Hours before his remarks, President Obama appealed for all countries to bear the burden of spending to stimulate the world economy.

Mr Topolanek said the biggest success of last week's EU summit was its refusal to copy the US example.

What an incredible man! He makes a phony like Obama look even more two-dimensional than he is.

There are some people with enough courage to speak out and call a stinking pile of dog shit what it is: dog shit. Not an investment in our future. Hence, the Czech PM once again has my vote of confidence, even if the Czech parliament does not.

The Czech prime minister has condemned US President Barack Obama's economic recovery plans as "a way to hell".

Mirek Topolanek was speaking in the European Parliament, in his capacity as current holder of the EU presidency.

Hours before his remarks, President Obama appealed for all countries to bear the burden of spending to stimulate the world economy.

Mr Topolanek said the biggest success of last week's EU summit was its refusal to copy the US example.

What an incredible man! He makes a phony like Obama look even more two-dimensional than he is.


i love it that Obama-wan is getting sneered and jeered at by leaders from all over the world. nobody deserves it more. :headbang:
i love it that Obama-wan is getting sneered and jeered at by leaders from all over the world. nobody deserves it more. :headbang:

I agree with you Sue. You can't borrow money to get out of trouble in my estimation. As long as we have a "Federal" reserve that is run by the bankers and is not accountable in any true sense of the word, we are all going to be wage slaves. Period.
What did you expect?

well, i wasnt sure how long the Obama spell would last or how far-reaching it was. i guess he needs to divert some of that US taxpayer money he's paying out to abortionists overseas to form ACORN units overseas, as well.
There are some people with enough courage to speak out and call a stinking pile of dog shit what it is: dog shit. Not an investment in our future. Hence, the Czech PM once again has my vote of confidence, even if the Czech parliament does not.

The Czech prime minister has condemned US President Barack Obama's economic recovery plans as "a way to hell".

Mirek Topolanek was speaking in the European Parliament, in his capacity as current holder of the EU presidency.

Hours before his remarks, President Obama appealed for all countries to bear the burden of spending to stimulate the world economy.

Mr Topolanek said the biggest success of last week's EU summit was its refusal to copy the US example.

What an incredible man! He makes a phony like Obama look even more two-dimensional than he is.


I have just read the article and I KNEW that Jurched would comment on that.
The whole no confidence motion thing sucks cock, btw.
Yah. But even worse than what you guys are saying is what Sen. Gregg is saying:

The United States wouldn't even be eligible to enter the European Union if it wanted to because of its debt levels, Sen. Judd Gregg (R-N.H.) claimed this morning on MSNBC, "because our government is so large and so huge."

You know how fucking embarrassing that is?! Here we are, always mocking France and her socialist mob-union quagmire, and we wouldn't be able to join their wretched little club because we're worse than them!

Hell, we're worse than the soviet union. When I was in the sixth grade, around 1986, our social studies teacher told us that the soviet people are dependent on their all-powerful government because 10% of them worked for it. He was shouting, "Can you believe it? One out of 10 working for the state?" Just a couple of months ago, I read 11% of Americans work for the federal, state, or municipal government.

So we are a tad bloated... even more so than a corporate socialist state like France. But at least the French have enough sense to protect their industries and try to produce something in order to pay for their socialism. In fact, French socialism is starting to look good compared to the bloated, corrupt, half-assed programs being shitted out Congress' ass!

this guy is even cooler than i originally thought!

Czech PM's Obama criticism inspired by rock'n'roll
Published: 3/27/09, 7:06 PM EDT
PRAGUE (AP) - Czech Republic Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek surprised people around the world this week when he slammed President Barack Obama's nearly $2 trillion economic plan as "the road to hell."

Topolanek is known for sometimes talking too much. And it turns out the inspiration for this remark may not have come from his study of economics but from his taste in music.

"Last week, AC/DC played the Czech Republic," Topolanek told the Lidove Noviny daily newspaper Friday, referring to the hard rock band from Australia. "And their cult song 'Highway to Hell' may have influenced me to use, in my very improvised speech, 'the road to hell.'"

A week after seeing the band, Topolanek, speaking to the European Parliament, departed from his prepared text, which included the phrase "the road to destruction" - substituting instead "the road to hell."

That may not be the only off-the-cuff remark to get prime minister in trouble this week: Late Friday, his spokesman was trying to downplay the newspaper interview from earlier the same day.

"He attended the show," Jiri Frantisek Potuznik acknowledged. "But he meant it as a joke, as an exaggeration," he said. "The premier tends to exaggerate."

In the same interview, the beleaguered spokesman was trying to explain the earlier, road-to-hell remark, which Topolanek made Wednesday - one day after he had been ousted by his own parliament.

Potuznik said Topolanek merely meant to warn U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner against taking "permanent action" that would damage the free market.

Topolanek may have time to explain in detail what he meant to Obama when the president visits Prague April 4 and 5.
Vaclav Klaus is one cool mutha-(shut yo mouth!)
He gets a lot of play on the Mike Church show.

I think the US has already turned Soviet...it would be sweet as hell if Topolanek would tell Obama to his face that he's an assmop. I would.
Vaclav Klaus is one cool mutha-(shut yo mouth!)
He gets a lot of play on the Mike Church show.

I think the US has already turned Soviet...it would be sweet as hell if Topolanek would tell Obama to his face that he's an assmop. I would.

He's got the opportunity today and tomorrow. Obama is in Prague.