Missing lyrics in the textbook!


Offended? Nobody cares.
Jun 15, 2013
So, I was listening through the CD (out here in Sweden today) and noticed that at "Under Siege", there are a lot of lyrics missing. It ends at "Ride into Fate!"

Anyone willing to help decipher what comes after and what is missing from the booklet? I can almost hear everything of it.

"....Ride into Fate!"
"No turning back!"

"Stand by the King!"
"To glory we Ride!"

"Weapons and Shield, together we DIE!"


"All is lost now!"
"Show no fear now!"
"All the world shall know our bravery!"

"All is lost now!"
"Show no fear now!"
"Let's charge for Death or Victory!" (???)
The last line sounds more like "[something] lets charge for death or victory!"

Yep, you're totally right!

But what is the first word? :|

It isn't swedish, that's for sure. Maybe just a power-word to start off the sentence with.
I very much doubt it.

Edit: It might actually be him. But how he is hiding that natural gruffness in his voice, I do not know.

The other three I can very much get that it is Johan, on that it is so unusual though, when expecting the typical Johan voice.

Nice songs though.

It does state "all songs written by performed by Amon Amarth" but I guess they could've used someone else for vocals on that one and just not specified it.

On my second spin of the bonus CD, guess I should listen to the "real" CD after that :lol:
So Johan is actually doing clean vocals on the Bonus CD or what? o.O
Can't imagine what that should sound like but I will hear for myself soon ^^