TA DAAAAAAAAAAA!!! 3.11 was epic.
I fucking HATE the Xp startup/shut down noises. MAke me angry....
heres a funny little Story; Did you know Brian Eno composed the Windows 95 sound? (the least hateful one ever made) Here's what he had to say about it..
" Brian Eno on BBC Radio 4 talking about his commission to create the startup chime for windows.
Apparently the briefing document included a list of over 58 words that described how the tune must sound, including "bold, creative, modern, challenging, fresh..." as well as a stipulation that the tune must last no longer than 3.58 seconds.
BBC "Did you write the tune on a PC?"
Eno " Good god no! I used a Mac. I've never used a PC in my life, hateful things".