Missing the old Windows start up music :(


A Former Somebody
Jan 6, 2011
Some of the best sounds are windows 3.1 95 and 2000 haha :rock:

win95 ftw!

the 3.1 music always scared me to death... so fucking loud!!! troll startup

Funny you should say that - for some reason I always jump from my seat when the music plays at the end of burning an ISO image to disc with IMGburn - it plays this really loud island music like jingle - very loud, very suddenly and it always gets me unexpectedly.

Here it is (imagine a quiet room with a man intent on whats on the screen and suddenly this music come blaring through his monitors) :) :

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Windows 2000 sounds like a new report intro.

Windows NT sounds like some sort of 80's space themed sound effect
TA DAAAAAAAAAAA!!! 3.11 was epic.

I fucking HATE the Xp startup/shut down noises. MAke me angry....

heres a funny little Story; Did you know Brian Eno composed the Windows 95 sound? (the least hateful one ever made) Here's what he had to say about it..

" Brian Eno on BBC Radio 4 talking about his commission to create the startup chime for windows.

Apparently the briefing document included a list of over 58 words that described how the tune must sound, including "bold, creative, modern, challenging, fresh..." as well as a stipulation that the tune must last no longer than 3.58 seconds.

BBC "Did you write the tune on a PC?"

Eno " Good god no! I used a Mac. I've never used a PC in my life, hateful things".
95, 98 and XP start ups are epic!
Never heard the first Vista one though, sounds pretty rad as well.
Funny you should say that - for some reason I always jump from my seat when the music plays at the end of burning an ISO image to disc with IMGburn - it plays this really loud island music like jingle - very loud, very suddenly and it always gets me unexpectedly.

Here it is (imagine a quiet room with a man intent on whats on the screen and suddenly this music come blaring through his monitors) :) :


that song reminds me of this

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