Gray haired older dude tearing it up!!!!


Members Only Member
Apr 1, 2008
Osceola Mills, PA
seasons in the abyss
master of puppets
alison hell
55 doesnt seem THAT old to me.. i mean i saw Paul Shortino with Great White this weekend, and he is 57 years old! ;)
Hmm... he was the age I am now when Seasons in the Abyss came out, so I guess this is like me at his age jamming to... what, Avenged Sevenfold?
A lot of great metal dudes are in their mid- to late-fifties now. Or even past 60.

KK Downing is 58.
Rob Halford is 59
Glenn Tipton is 62
George Lynch and Michael Schenker are 55.
All the Maiden guys are in their fifties.

Makes me a little less worried about getting older. LOL
Age is just a number. ;)
Allan Holdsworth is 64 and just about pwns most lead guitarists on the planet still.
Okey, he is old, but not so old... This forum is full of young kids!

Heavy Metal has been there for almost 40 years, so it is not so strange to see people at these ages playing metal riffs.

BTW... Alison Hell needs more rehearsal, oldie.