Mississippi Bones ReAmped by lolzgreg(Windsor)

Jul 15, 2006
Kenton, OH
I have always used Amp Sims . i don't have the right equip or space to do guitar correctly....The more and more i do this....the amp sims just aren't cutting it for me. so i seen lolzgreg $20 reamp deal i thought i would give it a try and im quite pleased with the results......it shows me how awful my amp sim tracks are. lol

Mississippi Bones Mix with lolzgreg's Peavey Windsor:::

And you can compare to my mix with the Ampsim:::

I notice right away that it sits better in the mix especially with the vocals.....on mine there's alot of clashing in the hi end area but the windsor one it is smooth like butta

Cool let me know your thoughts

And Thanks to Greg for a great job
This still sounded great from the start, but the guitar tones definitely took it that extra 15% of the way.

These guys are an awesome band. Cheers :headbang:
wow! be proud guys. that sounds so goddamn good! great definition and everything sits so well. nice work.
I liked this song! I mean when you first posted it. But it's indeed a bit better than amp sim version...that means it's even better. omnomnom.
Wow thanks everyone for your comments

Greg that is a very kind of you to say!
Lasse first time u ever commented on my stuff, thanks dude love ur work

AudioPhile777 i will check into those overheads/room ...thanks dude

kaomao really? hmmmm i thought it was cool.....what is happening in the mix that causes you to say that?

thanks again