Mistigo Varggoth Darkestra - The key to the gates of apocalypses

Steele eagle

Sep 30, 2004
Hi! Just wanted to hear everyones opinion on this album?
I'll start by admitting that I'm a big fan of the Ukrainian bm-scene and Nokturnal Mortum in particular so I was pretty excited to hear Mistigo Varggoth Darkestra after I finaly got around to order the album...

After a couple of listens I find that this is the first time a project involving Varggoth does nothing for me. I mean the record is not bad at all, in fact it sounds ok but at the same time it's pretty bland and not very interesting either? Munruthel - Orianas tales blows this album out of the water if you compare the two... Am I missing something here or is this simply not as good as the other NM & Varggoth related stuff?
It's OK, but it's just hard to listen to, being a 72-minute song. It has some good parts and some boring parts.
I guess so.. My problem is probably that the good parts are not so good that they really grab your attention the way Nokturnal Mortum usually does.

Speaking of Nokturnal Mortum have anyone heard any news from them? Shouldn't their new album be ready soon?
It should be coming out in December or early next year. There's going to be some EPs too... or so I hear. Varggoth said something about "The Taste of Victory" being a "demo" for their new sound... so personally I think the next album is going to be a cross between "The Taste of Victory" and "NeChrist"

and since I just did a list for Graveland... I might as well do my top 4 NM.

1) NeChrist
2) The Taste of Victory
3) Goat Horns
4) Lunar Poetry

... I haven't heard Twilightfall :( Is it worth the purchase?
Orianas tales is a solo album from Munruthel of NM. Consists of two 30 minute tracks (plus a live track) of some parts ambient, some parts instrumental and a little blackmetal thrown in for good measure. Creates an awesome atmosphere, specially the last 30 minute track. If I'm correct I think Eastside rereleased it on cd this summer. THR has it and I would bet that anyone who is into the ukrainian bm will like it.
I should check it out...

I just got my Dub Buk and Drudkh CDs in the mail a couple weeks ago, thus thrusting me farther into the glory of the Ukrainian BM scene. Wonderful stuff. I have the new Hate Forest EP and Nechrist double vinyl coming as well!
I've got Twilightfall/Return of the vampire lord and I don't know if it's worth getting. The Death SS, Burzum and Graveland covers are cool though!

I recommend Munruthel it's well worth a listen.

And by the way Dub Buk´s "Idu na wy" rules!
I will certainly look into that Munruthel thing.

My NM list:

1. Goat Horns
2. The Taste of Victory
3. Lunar Poetry
4. Twilightfall

I think Twilightfall is worth getting if you like the Lunar Poetry sound.

Also, since we're on Ukrainian BM, I've read the a Drudkh/Hate Forest member is doing a solo project called Blood of Kingu I think. Anyone heard of it?
Yeah thats Roman's new project. I just read of it on Metal-Archives but I can't get any information on it yet.

Its too bad that Hate Forest split up... at least they got out one last EP before it happened. Hopefully Drudkh will remain intact...
I think its pretty good, but it needs to be broken up into parts, and edit out the bland parts, instead of one long fucking song. For that reason alone, it hinders the playing time it receives.