

New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage
One of the most interesting heathen/NS/black metal scenes recently belongs, in my opinion, to the Ukraine. I'll do a bit of a rundown of the bands that I know:

This is very raw, very... eh... blunt racistic NSBM mixed with oi-punk (I suppose?) and while it's terribly catchy stuff (yes, the chorus of one song goes "shoot the my pals, shoot them fucking all! A national socialistic call!" No, one can't deny that the songwriting is very catchy) it doesn't really seem to have a lot of depth and substance. Not really one of Ukraine's outstanding acts -- really only a way for Varggoth of NM to get out his more raw, violent tendencies that wouldn't fit in NM I think.

I've made a separate thread about these guys. The latest two albums "Heritage" and "Ancestors' Shadows" are GREAT, GREAT epic heathen metal with Munruthel from NM on drums. "The Eyes of the Beast", the previous album, is good but not really as good as the latest two, and first album "Dying Emotions Domain" is a bit better (and muchly different -- not entirely different to something like a thrashier "In the Nightside Eclipse") than TEotB but not better than the supreme latest two releases. I'm very, very impressed by this band overall.

A side-project of Hate Forest, this is EXCELLENT TOTALLY FUCKING MIND-BLOWINGLY GOOD. They released their first album in 2003 on Supernal Music. It contains four tracks (really 3 proper tracks and one with rain noises) of some of the best epic metal I've heard recently. It's like Hate Forest without the death metal influences, mixed with Burzum. Very earthy, with lyrics in praise of nature. This album will make my top 10 for sure. They seem to have another release out, "Autumn Aurora", which I can't find a lot of information about.

This band has Nokturnal Mortum members and is muchly in the same style. I am actually listening to them for the first time now. You can get some MP3's here:

This is on the raw, rehearsal-type end of the BM spectrum. A lot like Darkthrone. What I've heard is atmospheric and good but not really outstanding when compared to Ukraine's better acts. I shall investigate further.

More death metal-influenced heathen metal which hasn't appealed all that much to me yet, but I'm planning to buy an album of theirs eventually.

Again, this band has Nokturnal Mortum members and seems to be one of the older Ukrainan bands around. Alas, I haven't heard them yet. Working on it.

Side-project of Knjaz Varggoth. A lot of people only know about the 72-minute symphonic metal affair "The Key to the Gates of Apocalypse" released on The End Records, but there were actually two tape albums released before it. I have one, "Midnight Fullmoon", and it's pure melodic keyboard ambience. Folky, medieval-feeling stuff. Great for resting to. I like it a lot and will buy the 72-min CD and the other cassette eventually.

The most well-known, of course, and possibly the greatest of them all. Painfully good all the way from the demo to the latest release.
for some reason i thought nokturnal mortum were scandinavian :confused: :lol:

other than that, i have only heard OF the rest of them... i'll make an effort to track down some of the songs... i am particulary interested in astrofaes

but quotes like these really get my motor running:

"GREAT, GREAT epic heathen metal"
"72-minute symphonic metal affair"
Yeah, but I have about a trillion promos to do first. :p I'll definitely do Drudkh some time, though, because it IS going to be on my top 10 list.
Erik said:
Yeah, but I have about a trillion promos to do first. :p I'll definitely do Drudkh some time, though, because it IS going to be on my top 10 list.
Erik, I hope you realize that when you describe albums as....

"GREAT, GREAT epic heathen metal"
"72-minute symphonic metal affair"

....we all go shopping. :cool:
JayKeeley said:
Erik, I hope you realize that when you describe albums as....

"GREAT, GREAT epic heathen metal"
"72-minute symphonic metal affair"

....we all go shopping. :cool:
Mission complete then :p I haven't actually heard this 72-minute MVD album yet, but I've read quite positive reviews:

Drudkh and Astrofaes I have heard and anyone who doesn't buy their albums are missing out on truly great music.
Heh. It did look too good to be true. It's possibly to find Drudkh songs with SoulSeek or something though. If anyone can't find any, send me a PM and I can hook you up with some.
Erik said:
Mission complete then :p
Ooh behave. :tickled:

Drudkh and Astrofaes I have heard and anyone who doesn't buy their albums are missing out on truly great music.
Don't assume that everyone here has heard NM by the way. NM ruleth and I have everything of theirs except the demo(s).

Also, with regards to Drudkh being on Supernal Music - I bought the latest NM EP from Supernal and it arrived in like 3 days.
JayKeeley said:
Also, with regards to Drudkh being on Supernal Music - I bought the latest NM EP from Supernal and it arrived in like 3 days.
Supernal also has Makrothumia on tape, amongst lots of other funnies. I plan to buy it soon so don't steal all the copies. :p

Ayeka said:
what are the songs actually called though? ^_^
It says in the ID3 tag once you've downloaded the whole file.
Erik said:
Supernal also has Makrothumia on tape, amongst lots of other funnies. I plan to buy it soon so don't steal all the copies. :p
Good spot - I must have this!! Who would have thought to look through the 'cassette' section on an on-line catalog anyway? I'm so not tr00 enough.

Also, notice that they have the first Astrofaes album/demo, "The Attraction: Heaven & Earth", if you're interested.

Erik - what do you know of this 'BlazeBirth Hall' circle?