Mithras Forever Advancing
Candlelight Records Candle097cd May 18th, 2004
By Jason Jordan
Ill go ahead and present the question youre dying to ask: Is Forever Advancing Legions better than Worlds Beyond the Veil? Well, I have no idea because I havent heard the latter. Anyhow, Candlelight Records out of the goodness of their black hearts have remastered and reissued Mithrass debut for public consumption. And consume I have.
I know when I get the occasional hankering for brutal death metal, I can turn on Forever Advancing Legions and be pleased every single time. Blistering examples such as Trample Their Works and Sloping Altars are littered with lightning-fast drumming, untamed guitar leads, and testosterone-filled death vox courtesy of Coss. Seriously, the guitars spiral everywhere and the drums still manage to keep up without losing any beats, substance, or anything else significant. I imagine Mithras easily fostering bouts of Road Rage due to the unquenchable hatred that manifests itself on Forever Advancing Legions. The record adopts a Roman twist on opuses like Arena Sands and The Green Wanderer Returns, while Wrath of God savagely plows through its territory. Moreover, As the Wind Blows reminds me of Nile, as do quite a few chunks on the album. The disc plods through twelve tracks in all, and lasts for three-fourths of an hour.
To end, Mithras as a band are just as relevant today as they were when they snuck onto the metal scene with Forever Advancing Legions in 2002. Thus, ordering this album is a must if you like brutality with brains thats all sealed together with impeccable instrumentation. My question is: why am I just now hearing this quartet?
Official Mithras Website
Official Candlelight Records Website
Candlelight Records Candle097cd May 18th, 2004
By Jason Jordan

Ill go ahead and present the question youre dying to ask: Is Forever Advancing Legions better than Worlds Beyond the Veil? Well, I have no idea because I havent heard the latter. Anyhow, Candlelight Records out of the goodness of their black hearts have remastered and reissued Mithrass debut for public consumption. And consume I have.
I know when I get the occasional hankering for brutal death metal, I can turn on Forever Advancing Legions and be pleased every single time. Blistering examples such as Trample Their Works and Sloping Altars are littered with lightning-fast drumming, untamed guitar leads, and testosterone-filled death vox courtesy of Coss. Seriously, the guitars spiral everywhere and the drums still manage to keep up without losing any beats, substance, or anything else significant. I imagine Mithras easily fostering bouts of Road Rage due to the unquenchable hatred that manifests itself on Forever Advancing Legions. The record adopts a Roman twist on opuses like Arena Sands and The Green Wanderer Returns, while Wrath of God savagely plows through its territory. Moreover, As the Wind Blows reminds me of Nile, as do quite a few chunks on the album. The disc plods through twelve tracks in all, and lasts for three-fourths of an hour.
To end, Mithras as a band are just as relevant today as they were when they snuck onto the metal scene with Forever Advancing Legions in 2002. Thus, ordering this album is a must if you like brutality with brains thats all sealed together with impeccable instrumentation. My question is: why am I just now hearing this quartet?
Official Mithras Website
Official Candlelight Records Website