Mithras - Worlds Beyond The Veil

Bleakest Harvest

\m/Misanthropic Hippy\m/
Nov 11, 2001
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Mithras – Worlds Beyond The Veil
Golden Lake Productions – GOLDCD013 – 2003
By Paddy Walsh


Mithras are a death metal band from England. You may or may not have heard their first album "Forever Advancing…Legions", and if you did you would know that it was an above average collection of brutal death metal tracks, with a very distinct Azagthothian influence, particularly in the solos. "Worlds Beyond The Veil" is a far more delectable proposition, for despite being another death metal album in the vein of it’s predecessor, it has a veritable uniqueness about it that could easily be written off as blatant Morbid Angel worship upon early listening.

"Worlds Beyond The Veil" possesses an ethereal, organic quality, achieved through strange production and liberal use of trance-like solos, that, as previously stated, come squarely from the Azagthoth school of that particular discipline. Some might find the production initially prohibitive, not really having a loud sound at all, with the rhythm guitars sounding particularly strange and even lacking bite in places, but the earthy nature of the soloing actually means the production works in its favour. With the leads given much room to breathe, in places they are truly breathtaking. For proof check out the solo(s) in ‘Psyrens’, as it flies along at an inhuman pace with the solos making it sound positively dreamlike.

That the lead work on this album is the star of the show is not to say that the rhythm section doesn’t also have its moments. Check out the awesome opening riff on ‘They Came and You Were Silent’, or the brilliant instrumental ‘The Sands of Time’. The vocals are a mixed bag, sometimes sounding very convincing and with great conviction, but at others being a trite lacklustre. The 13 minute closer ‘Beyond the Eyes of Man’ has the best vocal work of the lot, with a varied use of growling and rasping really adding to the desired atmosphere.

Overall, this is a thoroughly enjoyable death metal album. Not overly brutal, it contains a certain psychedelic atmosphere that I have never before heard on something of this genre. If you must have a pigeonhole, then think of "Worlds Beyond the Veil" as the product of Morbid Angel on magic mushrooms. If this sounds appealing to you (and it sure as hell does to me), then you simply cannot go wrong. Mithras are a band who could possibly produce a masterpiece in the future (and their recent signing to Candlelight bodes very well indeed), but until then this will do nicely.


Official Mithras Website
Official Golden Lake Productions Website
I think this is a pretty good album, but with my boss digital reverb and delay pedal I can make all the sounds they did and more. It holds together well though and has some really crescendous moments. I read a review saying it was the best album ever to come out of the uk... EVER. thats not really true but if you like deathmetal I agree that this will rock your scrotum in to a galaxy far far away!!!
That "best UK album ever" review was from Terrorizer, and it was disgustingly foolish. But this is an amazing album, and I don't think its true genius will be revealed for many years. A few times that I've listened to it in the right atmosphere I've felt completely enveloped by it, unlike nearly any other band.
A few times that I've listened to it in the right atmosphere I've felt completely enveloped by it, unlike nearly any other band.
That's exactly it. If you get it in the right mood it'll blow you away. It's not brutal enough to stand up as a pure death metal album, but its atmosphere is virtually unheard of within the genre.
I must have been looking forward to this for about a year and when I finally got it I wondered what the hell I was expecting. I had only heard 'Psyrens' before I got the CD and was totally blown away, but the rest of the album, bar one or two other songs are comlpete disappointments. It seems to me that Leon Macey relies too much on his tripped out solo's, which although I love, they start to piss me off when there's 3 in every song. The production, I feel, doesn'twork in their favour. The drums are crap. They sound way too mechanical, and not in a good way like Decpaitated's 'Nihility'. The guitars aren't clear enough and the vocals are just plain shit.

Maybe if I wasn't looking forward to this since 'Forever Advancing... Legions' then I may have liked it more. The whole album could be greatly improved just by better production, the songwriting is fine, maybe a few too many tapping solos. Its just the shit production which ruins this album.
I wasn't overly impressed with this album, despite the praise some people gave it (*cough* Terrorizer *cough*). The production is purposefully ethereal sounding and prevents the listener from hearing the music at hand. The band is also perhaps a bit too experimental at times; sometimes things just come off as wankery rather than solid songs. It's a decent album, but it's a little too messy and disjointed for me.