mix critique/advice


New Metal Member
Nov 7, 2013
Hey all.

I'm somewhat happy with the newest mix I've been able to accomplish, but it still lacks that clean/wide sound. I also don't enjoy how the vocals "sit" and how dry they are. Big influence on our singer is Chino from the deftones. While I don't want to get super heavily processed like him, I'd like to find a bit of a middle road but always end up sounding robotic or phasey.

Here's the link:

As far as the specifics go:

Recorded 4 sep. guitar tracks: 100% L, 75%L, 75%R, 100%R
HD500 -> UX2 -> DAW

1 DI bass track

Without being able to mic a kit and record real drums, our drummer used his ekit, sent me the MIDI file and we used Superior Drummer.

Our singer recorded his vocals with an SM7b through a Crane Song Flamingo pre

It's not heard on this mix, but I've been experimenting a bit with stereo panning of some of the instruments and while it seems to make it wider it also diminishes the clarity a bit too much. Have read that 80/80 panning on the drums helps make it sound bigger, but it also kind of sounds pushed back when I do that.

Anyways, thanks for reading.
Slightly too bright, but totally awesome guitars.
Drums could be a little more glued.

Vocals are still awesome, totally in love with them. :lol:
Thanks man :)

All progress I've made mixing has just taken a big regression as I recently changed from Sonar X1 over to Logic Pro X.

I've been trying a lot of new things with getting everything to gel better and making the drums sound decent lol.


This is a really, really, rough demo (very robotic drums, drummer hasn't recorded them yet). The bass needs redone very badly, vocals are still a WIP and there are parts of the song that won't make it to the final cut, but it gives an idea of some new things I'm trying with drums.