Mix Critique/Comments


New Metal Member
May 10, 2017
Been at this whole mixing thing for about a year, I play drums and have gone down the rabbit hole of recording/mixing.

So far it's been quite the task to begin learning all that is required of this hobby/profession (the former for me).

I haven't really posted much here but instead been in a "sponge"-mode trying to soak up as much knowledge and ideas from the contributors here that know a thing or two.

Now has come the time where my own opinion of my mixes aren't getting me anywhere and I could use a few sets of ears to give me some feedback to take back to the drawing board in order to improve.

This is a clip of a section from a cover of Periphery's Ragnarok. This was the only album of theirs I really got into, may have seemed more proggy and sonically interesting than their others for me. This aside the technicality of the drumming offered me a chance to improve on that side of the equation as well. The synths I actually got from a post on here awhile ago however the guitars a friend recorded and I programmed midi bass. Drums were played/recorded live.

I'm just looking for some criticism of the overall balance, tones and just overall quality of it all. You guys on here have been a wellspring of knowledge I hope to be at a point of giving back to a great community once I figure out wtf I'm doing, ha. Thanks in advance

The sound in general feels ok. Overall stereo image feels slightly tilted towards the left channel. Something fishy about the drums. It's like the drummer is 'chasing' the right notes instead of 'breathing' the rhythm, although it also might have something to do with drum sampler handling the MIDI dynamics. Guitar rhythms feel solid. There seems to be also a totally clean DI guitar part mixed in. Can't figure out why. It's a good start, but the representation of the idea could use some polishing. Nice work on the guitar sound and performance. ^_^
The sound in general feels ok. Overall stereo image feels slightly tilted towards the left channel. Something fishy about the drums. It's like the drummer is 'chasing' the right notes instead of 'breathing' the rhythm, although it also might have something to do with drum sampler handling the MIDI dynamics. Guitar rhythms feel solid. There seems to be also a totally clean DI guitar part mixed in. Can't figure out why. It's a good start, but the representation of the idea could use some polishing. Nice work on the guitar sound and performance. ^_^

The drums are live, I listened to that clip i posted and something must've happened to the bounced track the Q strength defaulted to 100 and it sounds out of time. I made some adjustments based on your other comments, thanks man!

Finished the mix, would love to hear some thoughts on how it could be improved!

Cheers, and many thanks