Mix critique on this revamped clip please


Stunt Guitarist
Jun 26, 2008
Currently North alabame HELL


I had a chance to work on this some tonight and have addressed the issues that have been noted in a couple other places (buried vocals, no weight to the kick, ect) and the previous clip kinda flew under the radar here (maybe that was a good thing:lol:) But I changed allot of things and really wanted to get some opinions cause there is some great talent that posts up here, so I thought I would start a new post.

I'm working on this mix from some tracks that were given to me to work with, and some of the source material is less than stellar so it kinda is what it is,,,,,, It was tracked somewhere else then given to me, but I did my my guitar tracks here at my place. I have used the things I have learned while lurking around here( re-sampling drums, re-amping guitars and bass,,parallel comping,,etc) and trying to grasp as much as I can. In trying to get it somewhat presentable I thought I'd put it up Here and in a few other places to get some opinions and the such from where it stands now, to where it needs to be going.

I had tried to be kinda conservative with the vocals before as they were not exactly the best examples that could have been given to me, and sometimes(to me anyway) his voice can sound kind of abrasive.

Anyway,, I did a few tweaks, a little automation, and a bump here and there. See how that sounds now.

Once again guys,, thanks for giving it a listen.