Mix critique?


New Metal Member
Sep 10, 2007
Been doing some home recording for my band.

www.myspace.com/anthemicy - check out 'SSDD EP' - thats the only final mix i've got up there right now so check it out and any criticism is welcome.

Done with;

Pod XT (guitars)
Hypersonic 2 VST (Bass)
EZDrummer DKFH (drums)

Behringer MIC100 preamp with XM1800S mic (vocals)

haha... i clicked on the link to start listening before I finished reading what you used...

and the vocals sounded a bit... uhm... weird... and i noticed you used a behringer mic pre...

thats probably why...

either that or its the way your singer is singing... sounds like he might be slightly off key...

but everything else sounds pretty good... the drums are kind of buried...
Vocals were pitch corrected with a pitch correcter plugin but he does tend to wave about, and you can't pitch correct the wave dead on so you may be right about his pitching. How would you recommend bringing the drums out more?