New ExitTen/KsE esque mix - PodXTPro, DFH

it sounds great man. did you use screamer in POD? i think you put a lot DRIVE.
some possibility to share pod preset?
and, what method did you use to record pod tone? spdif into a interface?

Cheers guys!

eternally_gutted - Yeah I used the screamer stomp on the POD. 6% drive, 40% gain 74% tone. 'Bomber Uber' amp model from the metal pack. Unfortunatley not setup with USB and the relevent software so can't get the patch for you. Will look into it!

AliksWud - None so far! I'm setting up a mobile recording service at the moment though. Hopefully branch out to a few bands in the Manchester area but nothing major, maybe a few bands a year.. Haven't got the time.. More just a hobby! :)
Ah ace, I live in Manchester so was curious if I would have heard your work before.

I look forward to hearing more in the future!
Sounds good, man!

Kick sounds a little artificial to me, like apart from the rest of the mix, snare sounds nice tho, maybe a little more reverb would be nice.
OH's are a little too clean and quiet, but nice feel! need more room sound!
Guitars sound pod-alike, as it's natural.
Where is the bass? Maybe it's there but really blended with the guitars.
Toms sounds really good!

Good starting point ;)
