Hi, Johnny!
I would really like to add some wideness and something solid to the mix.
It sounds pretty clean currently, but thin a bit.
Suggest to pan the rhythm guitars as 100/100 and send this central pad-guitar to a reverb to make it more dimensional. But don't forget about using bandpass filters on the reverb bus in order to not make the mix muddy.
Kick might be quiter a bit.

BTW, why did you decide to use FL Studio for drums and not the Reaper as well? :)
Thanks for your input. It is thin sounding haha I struggle with getting a big sound. I do hard pan both rhythms though.
My friend showed me how to use FL and he gave me some .wav samples so I just went with that. The thing i hate most is i can't mix drums in reaper i have to do it in FL then export and import too reaper as one track so i don't have as much control as i would like. :(
The rhythm guitars aren't loud enough to match the other instrumentation and the lead guitar needs some delay or reverb to be more dimensional and not so upfront. Also the overheads on the drums seem to be too loud. But I can tell you that it sounds much better than what I did when I had just started a few years ago. :D