Pew pew mix

Lowend just isn't there! :(

And the drums overpower the guitars too much. Is this two recorded guitar tracks or just one take duplicated?

Because I really think that you have just one rhythm guitar track doubled and the delay is too fast for it to sound more like two guitars
(which it won't even by then - atleast not to the fullest potential).

The snare could use a bit more crack too!
How would you suggest I fix it?
And there are two guitars recorded and panned hard left and right.
but they sound small and thin, i can't figure out how to fix it.
How would you suggest I fix it?
And there are two guitars recorded and panned hard left and right.
but they sound small and thin, i can't figure out how to fix it.

Well, lower the drums a bit. Then focus all the low-end to your kick and bass - hi-pass everything else and search for muddy low-end frequencies and bring them down slightly (not too much, otherwise it will get thinnier).

I don't know what you have on your guitars, maybe post the processing chain so it's easier to give you accurate advice.