Mix feedback wanted. Not sure what I'm doing.


New Metal Member
Sep 4, 2017

I need some fresh ears here. I'm going for a Post-Metal/Doom sort of vibe... I guess. I want it dirty but not too muddy. There is no vocals yet and it's a bit repetitive at the moment, I still need to automate and add layers here and there. How do you feel about the mix at this point? I'm a little bit overwhelmed at what needs to be done.

I know I'm mixing an incomplete track but I need to check if I can make a decent mix or not. That's a first for me.

Your feedbacks are welcomed!

P.S. This is my first post here. Hope there were no requirements before I could post that.
These are programmed drums right? What I've noticed when mixing this type of sound that has a real drummer they're usually constantly either a 16th note ahead or behind. So you could experiment with that, move the midi just slightly off to get a more realistic feel. Now it sounds a bit robotic.
These are programmed drums right? What I've noticed when mixing this type of sound that has a real drummer they're usually constantly either a 16th note ahead or behind. So you could experiment with that, move the midi just slightly off to get a more realistic feel. Now it sounds a bit robotic.

Cool, thanks for the feedback! Makes me realize I didn't spend much time on that. Anything else bothering you?
Sounds pretty cool to me. The transients on the snare sound a bit sharp so you could back them off a bit with a transient designer, for example Flux Bittersweet.
give RAW, please

I'm still re-recording and trying to fix some parts at the moment. It might take a while because I don't have much free time after work. But I'll make sure I put this here when it's done.
Kick and bass need to be a bit louder, snare could use some more meat to it, try blending in a fatter sounding sample alongside that one, cause the one you are using has a good crack to it already. I would listen to it even as it is tbh. Love doom/sludge, and luckily for you, the genre is not known for high production value XD so should be relatively easy to make it good enough.
Kick and bass need to be a bit louder, snare could use some more meat to it, try blending in a fatter sounding sample alongside that one, cause the one you are using has a good crack to it already. I would listen to it even as it is tbh. Love doom/sludge, and luckily for you, the genre is not known for high production value XD so should be relatively easy to make it good enough.

Hey thanks man. I'll keep all that in mind!