Not sure what I'm doing wrong :/


Apr 19, 2010

Wondering if i could get some tips on this mix. Ive been mainly toying with the drums (S20). First they were incredibly too quiet, so i bussed them to another track in my DAW (Reaper), which brought the volume up quite a bit. Played a little with compression within Superior, but it made so much pumping, i took it off. With guitars, I'm trying to get them not as muffled and to sit in the mix better. Well, here's there link to the clip:
I'm hearing some good basic tones. Rhythm guitars are way too centered. Snare needs way more attack.
I'm liking the riff that comes in around the 1 minute mark. Production-wise, it sounds a little 'fluffy'. The drums lack a lot of definition, as do the guitars. I would start by hard-panning the rhythm (and lead) guitars left and right, then turn the cymbals down and bring the whole kit with proper compression.
The guitar sound is fine and the playing seems good, but as said above you definitely need to pan them hard left and right.

The drums need more work, especially for this style of music where a "modern" drum sound is often wanted. Here's a quite standard procedure you could try :
- turn the kick and snare tracks up
- apply EQ to each of them, scooping the low-mids and boosting the highs and possibly lows, and highpassing the snare if needed
- then apply compression with slow attack, eg. 15-40 ms (so that the attack of the drums still cuts through)
- send the snare to a bus with a plate reverb set on 100% wet, so that you can EQ it if needed
- if you can't get a punchy and clear sound by tweaking those settings, you may consider changing and/or blending in other drum samples.

This should help :) Also, whenever you have the time, check Ermz's drum mixing guide if you haven't read it yet !
Thanks for the input.. ummm
WOWWWWW i ALWAYS pan hard left and right, but when i upgraded Reaper, i just now noticed that it centered everything! *facepalm* i feel dumb now lol

AgentMetal: I will work on some of that stuff, the one thing i probably cant do is just turn the kick and snare up by themselves without peaking, unless you would suggest bussing them to another track. I already have on track with the whole kit bussed out so i can do parallel effects on it, which in turn also made my kit a lot louder, it was hardly audible before. Which is extremely strange for me, because Superior 2.0 has never given me a problem like this before.

Here's the new link with the guitars panned hard, now lets start this again while i work on Agents tweaking tips, anything sound different? more noticeable stuff that needs to be tweaked? still something is just 'off'?