Mix for a local band (JVM Clips)

Just added a new version with some parallel compression (didn't have time last night) and I think EQing the guitars and bringing up the bass did some good. Thanks, Unavailable.

I could really use some constructive criticism you guys!
The drums should sit back in the mix a bit more, they're a little too upfront.

The guitars sound good, but this REALLY needs editing.
Yah I know I got bored after doing the kicks and decided to play with the mix. my due date isn't until next wednesday.

Nevertheless, what would you suggest for the drums? Someone just told me "the drums sound too far away" which is pretty much the exact opposite of what you said but because you're actually a person with a brain I'm going to trust you instead.
Do you have parallel compression on the drums? If so, take it down a notch.

Do you have a brickwall limiter on the drums with in gain? If so, take it down a notch.

If you have a brickwall limiter on your master bus. Take it off. Are your drums peaking WAY HIGH without the limiter on? If so, remix from the beginning and get the drums closer to 0 (minor red-zoning is okay).

The drums definitely arent distant at all. I hear too much volume though, not really too much punch. Start with the drumkit solo'd. Get a nice balance, bring in the bass guitar. Then bring up your guitars till your comfortable and add vocals last.

I think because I'm a guitarist I used to mix guitars really loud but now I'm conscious of it and I wind up compensating a little too much with the drums sometimes.

I am in the same boat as you. I used to do this as well, but now I'm balancing things.

The mix definitely sounds a lot better now. The vocals need to be a little brighter IMHO.

Edit it and then we can review some more.