Protools Guru
FYI with my map...the first 19 bars are fuck housed timing wise.......after that it settles right in for some reason....
could you not have used dropbox - it wont download for me - that site is too buggy
why do you need a tempotrack if you dont want to fix smth? I don`t want anybody to fix anything.., I know there are mistakes.
Here is my go....
http://files.getdropbox.com/u/610605/Sneap Forum.mp3
The mix may be a touch to bright, so be warned. I just got the UAD Pultec Pro and had to test it on the master and I may have over done it a tad on the highs.Let me know if you think so and I will fix that real quick.
Also there is a lot and I mean a lot of editing that needs to be done to this song. I only did a little over a minute because you would need to pay me to do more. Enjoy!
I think your original mix already sounds great. You only need to bring up the vox a bit and apply some delay as well in some places.
You talking about my mix or theBlackLOBSTERmurder mix?