decadawn said:
how did you record the guitars? What amp/mic ?
Here's the guitar recording chain, from guitar to tape:
Schecter Elite 006 with EMG81 in the bridge
Boss NS-2 with Maxon OD808 in the pedal's effects loop
Peavey 5150 (EVH block letter, if it matters to anyone)
Marshall JCM900 4x12 cabinet (I honestly don't know what kind of speakers are in it, but I purchased it new about 5 years ago, so I know for sure that it still has the stock speakers in it)
Electrovoice RE20, Sennheiser e609silver, and Audix i5 each on their own speaker. I know it's not all that difficult to place a mic just by sight, but I've found that for guitars, I really like hearing a mic as I place it. To accomplish this, I'll turn the 5150 down so that it's BARELY making noise (after first approving of the full volume tone when standing in front of the cabinet), have someone play the guitar through it, and then crank up a pair of headphones while soloing a mic through them. I can get right down in front of the cab, while clearly listening to the mic in my headphones, and then lock the mic into place when I've found the right spot. It's a really quick and easy process, and it REALLY helps to get the right amount of high frequencies picked up by the mic. I generally find myself boosting some of the highs a little more in Pro Tools during mixing, but the whole "headphone trick" keeps me from having to fight with any "unnatural" high frequencies that can come about if a mic is too far onto the center of the speaker. It also assures that I'm picking up enough highs in the first place...just the right amount, I don't know how else to put it. I'm sure most of you understand.
dbx231 dual channel EQ, scooping out a smooth curve centered around 350Hz, about -6db (this is on the Sennheiser and Audix)
Presonus Digimax preamp lightpiped into Pro Tools
cobhc said:
This is probably a piss poor mastering job...
I have a 56k

but if I'm successful in downloading your mastering attempt tonight, I'll let you know what I think!