Mix opinions / suggestions needed for new song...

Skinny Viking

¯\(°_o)/¯ How do Lydian?
Oct 10, 2007
Why do I feel like this is gonna hurt? hahaha

ok, new song for my band Shadowdance, so far the mix SEEMS to translate ok to multiple speaker sets. Would just really appreciate everyone's thoughts and tips.

Cheers! :kickass:


Oh and by the way, there has been no "mastering" done to this at all, so it might be a little quiet.

@ Nwright...


You fuckin busted me! Yeah, its a POD ;) And the worst part is, I DO own a tube head! A couple actually! hahahahaha

Its all about trial and error I guess. I'll never track any main guitars with a POD again, maybe just for small overdubs and such. However I guess as long as its not taking away from the overall sound, I can live with it this time. Thanks for the reply, I guess I'm just a bit nervous since this will be the 1st big project I mix (possibly). The other guys in the band seem to be happy with how its sounding but I tend to be a lot more critical which is why I posted it. I really value everyone's opinions and insights on here and the only reason it might sound as good as it does is because I applied just about everything I've read/learned on here to it. Thanks again!


I don't know how much POD recording you've done (I've done none, myself), but don't think you have to get rid of it for tracking! There are plenty of dudes on here with great experience with using POD's and they sound soooo good, I'd probably go to it before a tube head if I had one dialed in as good as these guys.

What version are you using? Sounds more like 2.0 patches than the XT stuff, but I don't know much about the units these days. I owned a Flextone HD back in 99-03 and then a HD147 from 03-05, but never really did any DI stuff with them.
Just the standard bean 2.0 POD. And I totally agree, I've heard some seriously killer tones from some of the people on here using only a POD. Its just weird, I A/B'd the soloed rhythm guitars from this newer track (4 rhythm tracks) with the 2 rhythm tracks from a previous recording where I used a 5150 and even with the frequency responses being very similar after some creative but very light EQ, there is just something "more" to the tone of a real head. Call it what you want, warmer, more rounded, richer ... it just really seems to bring the sound of the guitars home in a way that the POD (after more and more listens) just doesn't seem to do. At least, for me. I'm hearing the difference in a more pronounced way now than I did when I 1st started tracking my guitars. I think the POD is a great tool, but looking at things as a learning experience, from now on aside from going the re-amp way of things, I think I'll keep the POD's use to a minimum and only for the less important kind of tracks. Thanks again!

Dude...really like the song! Just have to agree about the "POD-ish" tone. It's not bad, it just has a little bit of that plasticy tone. Impulses my friend. :) Turn off the cab emulation and use Voxengo Boogex or such to use cabinet impulses. They breathed new life into my POD.

Keep us updated on this. I'd like to hear more of it.
Unfortunately I had only really started reading about and understanding the concept and use of impulses after I had tracked all the guitars so I'm kinda stuck with what I have (no DI tracks for reamping). However the use of impulses is something I really do want to start experimenting with. Who knows what tone awaits! A nice blend of some sickly killer impulse POD tones, 5150, and my Triaxis .. might actually be able to develope a "unique" sound, that "Shadowdance" guitar sound :D hahahahahaha

Definitely something to start working on for the next cd. And major thanks for the compliment on the tune. Will definitely be posting other mixes of the other tunes as I get them in a workable stage, 9 more tunes just like this ... although generally a lot faster ;)

Cheers and thanks again!
