Mix opinions wanted please

That works, I like the mix. Although the guitar tone is a little too muffled for my personal taste. The drums are very obviously fake, but that isn't really that bad (only the cymbals sound out of place to my ears). Overall I like it.
thanks man, i was going to use DFH2 but the multi-samples dont sound really convincing enough so i just went with sampled so it was less strain on my computer, same with the toms, i cant wait to start college again so i can start recording our drummer and also try an SM57 on the 5150.
NathanSoulfracture said:
My band finally got a chance to record something with a 5150 and i was just wanting peoples opinions on the mix of one of our songs please.

We recorded the 5150 using a Seinheisser e609 i think it was, we would have used a 57 but our singer didnt have it with him.

Drums are Sampled and stuff.


Thanks :)

Man, those riffs kick ass! I'm diggin' it, bro. Guitar could use a bit more punch, bring that out in the mix a bit. But, hell, I like that a lot. I want to hear more, dude!
Up until :30, this makes me think SLAYER, with some Slayer.. mixed in with more slayer, and then slayeR.

I like it. Dude... Get an Audix i5. Trust me on that one. For high gain high spl guitar cabs, I think it trumps "ole glory".
EtherForBreakfast said:
Up until :30, this makes me think SLAYER, with some Slayer.. mixed in with more slayer, and then slayeR.

I like it. Dude... Get an Audix i5. Trust me on that one. For high gain high spl guitar cabs, I think it trumps "ole glory".

I think that guitar tone might be better than Slayer's. Don't know bout the drums though.
Hey guys thanks for the comments.

Hapexamendios:thanks man, If you wanna hear more you can listen to us at www.myspace.com/soulfracture and also www.soulfracture.co.uk you can hear clips of most of our songs.

EtherForBreakfast: thanks, ill have a look into the audix, ive heard some good things.

GeniusgoneInsane: Im not a big fan of Slayers tone, it doesnt sound meaty enough i guess.

Mendel: Thanks, this what we used:

5150 Signature Model
Marshall AVT 4x12 Cab
Gibson Standard Les Paul with Original Gibson Pick-ups

Spector Performer 4 Series Bass straight into On-board soundcard

Kick: DFH2 Wood Mallet sample with the Far Beyond Driven Sample mixed in then stuck it through the Sonic Maximizer to beef it up.
Snare: LM-7 Snare from the Cubase Drum Machine compressed with T-racks.
Toms: DFH1 Tom Samples with a low cut-off at around 150Hz then sent through the Waves C4 plug-in with Andy's Guitar Preset to clear some muddyness out.
Cymbals: DFH1 Samples, Hi Hat was a DFH2 sample, Compressed them like crazy to give them more a swooshy sound then sent them through the sonic maximizer to add some hi-end to them.