Opinions on this mix?


Sep 12, 2005
Richmond, VA
My band has been in the studio sporadically throughout this year getting this album done, and we've finally finished mixing it. Due to issues with our singer, however, we have to find a new singer and redo the vocals. We have an instrumental track up for singers to try out to right now but I wanted to see what you guys thought of the final mix. I'm really happy with the way it turned out; it was recorded at Red Planet studios here in Richmond by Chris Dowhan (Black Dahlia Murder recorded Miasma there as well as a ton of other bands). Guitars are a blend of 5150 and Mesa Dual Rectifier. Here's the link:

sounds great. would've cranked the guitars a bit more, slightly lowered the snare and maybe somehow gave the kick some more compression.
but thats just my taste - i really like it this way.