Mix Practice(Rip This Apart)

Not a bad job at all man.
I would give it a bit more Bass Guitar as its not really present to me.
Maybe copy the bass track down and distort it and add it in under the current bass track to make it poke out a lil.

The clean vocals could come down a little, you could maybe leave them where they are and bung in a slap back delay or a small hall verb on it to distance them a little as they come across a little dry. Also, are the drum stops intentional?

On the break down, bass does punch a little too much so maybe down a little there and maybe you could gate the guitars as the amp noise does come through a bit and it would create quite a nice impression as it will be silent between the stabs.

Apart from that, good work!!
Hey I got something for you all to check out, tell me what you think
I have been recording for two years and I am heavily influenced by Mr. Sturgis, tell me what you think
and please, feel free to help out with some tips and constructive criticism.


theres the link
its the second song
Good job man. Clean vocals up a bit in my opinion. Less compression on the master as it sounds as if its pumping (particularly in the breakdown) also the lofi talking vocal needs to come down alot more as it overtakes the whole mix in that section. I like my lofi vocals in the backround almost as they do cut enough due to their distorted nature. China on the drums down if possible towards the end as they do punch through. Synths down a tad but not by much, maybe 3dB.

Aside from that nicly put together arrangement is good and it kicks ass. A few tweaks and your there.
Hope that helps.
