Shit on this. Tear it apart.


Feb 22, 2010
Gainesville, TX <--- Ignore this link - old link <--- Updated link

I want it to sound (quality-wise, not tonality-wise) like awesome. Label stuff. I know it's not there yet, but I can't figure out why. I think I like the overall balance? Just the depth and sparkle is what I lack? I think?

PLEASE help! Rip it apart. Shit all over my work and tell me what I'm doing wrong. I'm at the point where I can't figure out what to improve.

This is just a practice song and I haven't quite finished the parts (some leads and things) yet so keep that in mind... Oh and also that I am a bassist :D

Drums: EZDrummer

Guitars: Quad tracked Gibson SG w EMG-HZ -> TS-808 -> 5150 green channel -> V30 1960AV -> SM57 -> Seventh Circle Audio A12 -> Motu 828

Bass: Spector Legend 4 Bubinga -> Sansamp BDDI -> SCA A12 -> 828

P.S. Totally willing to re-track every bit of it. Just trying to learn here.

first thing i'd lose is ezdrummer. if you've already typed everything in midi, then leave ezdrummer, but replace the kick, snare, and toms. whatever you're using now sounds like trashcans filled with pillows. guitars are actually not that bad.
Dude! the drums are at least... Bizzarre! they sound like tecno cans coming from the.... i don´t know , i cant even describe it!

I like the guitars a lot
bass is quite overpowering and could use some grit.

but seriously, you have to redo the drum mix all over.
Just try to use a reference record or something to compare the drum sounds.

try this: [ame][/ame]

use your ear, if you know where you wanna go it will take you there.

Killer guitar tone for a bassist hehehehe!
Keep it coming!


haha, Great mix though Love the guitar tone.
^ bucket drummer shreds. Really the drums are killing it at this point, get superior drummer 2.0 the avatar kit is really nice, or the metal foundry expansion isn't bad either.
I thought the drums sounded really good, but I think my love of Zao's "Self-Titled" may have been showing a bit there :)

I updated the link after I took your opinions and tried to apply them. Any better? I feel like the guitars are the weak link now but I'd love to hear your opinions.
Use a different sample for the snare man. It just sounds like EZdrummer. The guitars are totally fine. The kick is also covering the bass, I can't really differentiate between the when there is chugging.
I don't personally care if it sounds like ezdrummer. Kids aren't going to not listen and say "I would like this band if it wasn't ezdrummer's snare!" I only care whether it sounds legit or not. Does the mix sound good aside from it having an overused snare sample?

I'm side chaining the kick and the bass, I'll try laying off the ratio a bit.

Thank you!