Mix update

Dan Swanö

The Watcher
Nov 3, 2001
Howdy folkz!!!

Just wanted to say that I am 70% ready with the mix of "White Darkness"
It´s been quite a ride, almost 10 months in the making!:ill:
But believe me, It´s been many interruptions from other mixes and about 10 different speakers setups to get used to, then ralize they suck..but finally, after spending around 30.000 skr on a pair of Genelec 8240 with the GLM package (that enables you to "tune in" the speakers in the room) the mixes finally sounded exactly like I wanted and gave me that cool feeling in my gut when I listened in the car:headbang:

so...Just three songs to go and then a few corrections like always, then we´re ready!!!!


o its such different feelings-when you 1000000000 times listened your material, half-belching on that but so a few to finish this pain:)
Hooray!!! This is great news! At first I saw 30,000 and thought "WOW that's so much money" but then i converted to $ and it's not as much, around 4,500 (still a lot though!!!)