Mix using Lamb of God as a reference but help me get the snare more alive!

Contra Studio

Jul 13, 2011
Hell Paso
Hi guys, Im mixing this group and over all Im happy with this mix with a few issue I'm not sure about.
1. the snare, the drummer likes the sound of the snare in this mix, but I cant seem to make it more in your face with out trying to add a sample which he dose not want to do. Any suggestions would help.
2. Bass player is a good player but at times it sounds like mud to me so I did my best to fix his performance. How does it sound over all to you guys? I don't want mud but a tight low end.
3. Last since the bass is lacking I feel the mix is to thin, what do you guys think and what would be a great way to bring in some low end body to the over all mix.
The mix is low and I didn't attempt to add any master cause I wanted you to hear what I hear thanks and be brutal if it sucks or what ever Im a big boy.

I think the snare is ok if that is the sound he is going for. I feel the bass (is it distorted? or is that the guitar?) might be a tad loud. You can definitely bring the drums up in the mix I feel. Maybe get some more low end from the kick?

I think it's very in that LOG space so in terms of matching that I think you've done a good job. Heck the vocalist even sounds like Randy. You should really tell the band if they want to achieve any success they need to find their own sound :P
I think the snare is ok if that is the sound he is going for. I feel the bass (is it distorted? or is that the guitar?) might be a tad loud. You can definitely bring the drums up in the mix I feel. Maybe get some more low end from the kick?

I think it's very in that LOG space so in terms of matching that I think you've done a good job. Heck the vocalist even sounds like Randy. You should really tell the band if they want to achieve any success they need to find their own sound :P

Thanks I still feel it lacks more body and low end over all as a mix. The bass is the big issue cause its real muddy. So I'm having the bass player come in to redo some small parts. Thanks for your input.
I would maybe scale the bass back a tad. Just let it fill out the low end of the guitar. Hell, maybe even boost a little in the midrange to give it that subtle "clang". High pass it around 100 and see how it sounds in relation to the guitars and kick. Like Demonstealer said, add some more low end to the kick.

Definitely NOT lacking in the low end thus far though.