Mixed by Alan Douches, reamped by me. Check this out!

Erik Monsonis

Nov 18, 2006
Mexico City
Hi all!!

I just received from the band "Fragments" the first mastered song, part of their first EP, called "Void"

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/425433/MP3/Fragments - 02 - The Proximity Effect.mp3

Mixed by Alan Douches in NY (Converge, The Dillinger Escape Plan, Hate Eternal, Mastodon...)
I did the reamps for guitar and bass. Guitars are ABG DIG2.0 and bass is POD Farm.

I kind of like their music, the production is OK, nothing replaced I guess (I did a short test mix for them to try out the guitars and bass in a mix, and there were no trigger tracks, plus they asked me to do it without samples...)

The band's MySpace in case you want to check them out:

There is something too harsh on this guitar tone:erk: For this kind of music it´s not so bad. But I really dont like it. Seems also that the guitar signal is clipping as fuck.
this is a pretty cool mix, i like the guitar tone and the music quite a lot
sounds really squashed though :\
Was this really mixed by Alan Douches? Me and the band I'm working with atm were thinking about getting their EP mastered by him, but if he really did that song I'm not so sure anymore :/, it sounds really squashed like others said.
I've listened a few times now, it sounds like there is a lot of clipping, and it sounds pretty squashed like everyone is saying. I like the guitar tone though dude! Cool job on the tones :D
ah, that tone is awesome! kinda what i'm looking for.. for a project. is that "ABG DIG2.0" a free plugin? can you post link, and your settings? not to be a "preset whore", i'd just like to experiment with it, haha
Hmm.. I wouldn't say the bands in your two last projects you've posted have been of the highquality-caliber .. both of them sounds harsh and uninspiring :\
I'm gonna be honest, this mix sounds pretty bad and let's not dive into the mastering... jesus christ... distorting and pumping everywhere... Wasn't really expecting this when I read "Alan Douches" in the title.. Guitars and bass sound killer though, good job on that!