Mixin frustration and Stinnett goodness! I need some serious criticism.


Member of Dude Castle 69
Jun 26, 2007
Kiel, Germany
no clip from me in a long time. It seems to me that my mixing skills are getting worse and worse since I have all my new gear. I need some serious criticism from you guys. This track is for the upcoming album of my band "And Then They Run" which we will hopefully record this summer (real drums, real amps, real people). Until then I need to get used to my new gear.

Because I don't have the possibilitys to record real drums and amps at home, this mix is still ampsims and s2.0. I used my Stinnett Space Invader Uber guitar for this one. Funny thing: I can't seem to make fade-ins on the DI-Tracks of this guitar. No matter how long I set the fade in, the guitar comes up in no time. Could this be related to the 18v mod?

Don't mind the snare too much because it's still in the works. I'm too stupid to set up the trigger lately.

Links: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2932654/elph3.mp3

My mixes seem muffled and fizzy to me whatever I do. What do you think?
Drums are too loud/guitars are low ?
cymbals are loud. cut some high freq from snare. kick needs lows and less mids ?
guitars need mids? i have no idea what im saying :heh:
wutzington: At this time I have 2 ampsims (singletracked) for each side with different impulses. I will try guitarhacks impulses. Any tips on how to archive a more transparent guitar tone? I'm trying and trying but in the end it has too much fizz when I try to add some 4khz for the "air". I really dig the kick, I will lower it a bit in the mix. It doesn't matter that this mix sounds robotic because we're not going to release it. We will rerecord everything with a real drumkit. Dir auch noch 'nen angenehmen Sonntag! :)

Habsburgs: Guitars have plenty of mids. Cymbals are indeed loud, I allready lowered them but they still seem to be too loud.

Anyone else thinks drums are too loud/guitar too low?
Anyone else thinks drums are too loud/guitar too low?

Jops, ich.

Also not a fan of the kick tbh...quite "holzig"
But the snare has some nice wooden sound somehow...it's just a bit machingunnish.
But the guitars themself dont sound bad..a little fizzy maybe.
Cool song!
On the fade-ins, if you've got ampsims running on a DI track, fading in the actual waveform itself won't work - you need to print to track and automate that 'baked' waveform, or automate volume.

The problem you run into is similar to if you tried to fade in a vocal waveform that was being fed to a heavy-set compressor - as soon as it hears level it's gonna pounce on it and not let it do the proper fade-in effect you wanted.
it's a quite nice mix
I think guitars are a little bit too loud and try to add some low-mids in the master buss...
but that's just my opinion...
Dude do you realize that the a riff in this song of this sounds surprisingly similar to the theme to 28 days later (not the same but reminiscent). Awesome theme and it rocks. The mix sounds really good, although there is something about the guitars that i just don't love yet. Maybe cutting some mids and boosting and cutting some different parts of the highs achieve this. Really good stuff. Does anyone else hear it:

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George, thats no surprise actually :D I asked my bassplayer "from where do I know this riff, this is driving me crazy!", "28 weeks later, dude". Me: "Fuck, so we screw this one?" "No, we call it a tribute!" :D